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Hello Readers,

I just want to say thank you for reading another one of my stories. I hope you all enjoy as much as I did writing it. All chapters are in Rose's POV (she is the main character). Also if it is a mature chapter I will always add * so you guys may decide to skip or not. Again thank you all. Also this book is fast paced so the characters fall in love quickly.


Copyright + Disclaimer

Two Broken Hearts © 2021 Aracelyxm
All Rights Reserved

This story is a work of fiction. Every inch of this story was thought and brainstormed by me, the author. Any similarities to other people, events in real life or other books are purely coincidental.


This book is dedicated to those who have lost themselves trying to please others.
You are powerful.


"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."- Oscar Wilde

What is it about love?

What is it about love that consumes every inch of your soul and body?

What is it about love that can turn into something extraordinary and crumble into dust?

The scary thing about love is how you can easily get heartbroken.

And in my entire life, I have only experienced one heartbreak that truly mattered.

It just took one heartbreak to completely change me as a person.

It took one second to crumble everything I have been working on.

I was born in a low-income family. Growing up I was filled with anxiety and depression. It sucks to not have someone who is looking out for you at your lowest points in life. I never had a good relationship with my family. It was as if I was a completely different person.

I lost myself at a very young age. It's hard to piece yourself back together when you don't remember where you dropped those pieces of yourself. You can't seem to remember when everything ended for you.

Was it when you were bullied?
Was it when you fought with your parents?
Was it when he said he loved you and broke your heart?
Was it when you were alone?
Was it yourself?

All my life I questioned myself and my purpose.
It is easy to feel small in a world as huge as ours.
What do you do when you're hurt and don't know how to stop it?

Where do I find myself again when my soul broke so many times?

There seemed to be a light at the end of the tunnel when I was accepted to the Academy of the Arts.

All my life I have performed my best to get what I want. To truly feel satisfied with life. I remember exactly the moment I got the letter.

Dear Rose Sullivan,
We are delighted to accept such an excellent and dedicated student like yourself.
It is our pleasure to offer you admission to our prestigious Academy of the Arts.
Your dorming and tuition will be paid having won one of our annual scholarships.
We hope you have a wonderful experience at our academy.
Academy of the Arts Admissions

This was 3 years ago.
3 years ago I was accepted to the most popular academy known.
Since entering my major became journalism.
Writing will forever be a passion of mine.
It will be a power I will never let go of.
It's amazing what you can write with your thoughts.
Those thoughts you have at 3 am not knowing what to do with them I encourage you to write in a story. Doesn't necessarily have to be a story, just write and you will express yourself in ways you never believed were possible.

I was entering my fourth and final year at the academy. I was a senior. Through these years I have kept a low profile. I pass my classes with exceptional grades. I never go out. I keep to myself. I have one best friend with who I share a dorm with. Luna Young. She is a photographer.
Life would be boring without her.

Throughout these 3 years, I finally decided I needed a change. I needed to leave the sad, anxious girl behind and truly show who I am.
During the summer I did my hair. I cleaned out my closet and bought new clothing. I truly threw everything out of my life and filled it with something new, something better. Expect Luna. She will forever be stuck with me.

I however didn't know that changing myself will bring attention to me.
To bring the attention of the elite group.
The group of the most wealthy students.

Blake Hudson. Born to the richest family in the academy. He was soon to be a doctor. Soon to be someone important.
Cameron Martinez the artist. The unexplainable. The sweetest human to ever walk this earth in some ways.
Amanda Johnson. The fashionist. The talk of the school. Others wanted to be her, I just wanted to disappear.
Brady Ramirez. The Athlete. The star of the academy.
Each seeing myself break to a point of almost losing myself.

This book is dedicated to Blake Hudson.
He saved me and broke me.
He was my light until I discovered I am my only light.
I hope life is what you destined it to be.




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