Chapter 16

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"I believe that when you love someone and that person loves you in return you're uniquely vulnerable

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"I believe that when you love someone and that person loves you in return you're uniquely vulnerable. They have the power to hurt you, it's like nothing else." - Elijah Mikelson

I didn't even last a full week back home and before I knew it I was back at the academy.

After what happened when I got home my mother never left her room again. I tried going in there to make sure she took her medication but she never spoke to me. I did tell my father to keep a close eye on her because we might have to hospitalize her. My father said he would but we both know he works almost all the time.

I said goodbye to my siblings and promised I would visit them sooner. They of course did not believe me but this time I will keep my promise. I don't want them at the end to forget all about me when I will be taking care of them until they get older.

I opened my door with all my luggage again. It took me more time to pack and less time to stay home.

I unpacked as I was listening to music because I can not do anything without listening to music. Spotify Premium is the way to go.

When I finished I organized my desk because I wanted to write. I haven't had a lot of time to write due to school but it's a break meaning I can finally have some time for myself.

I did message Blake telling him I was going to come back to the academy and he said he wished he was here with me. But he won't be coming because of the meetings he was forced to attend. I love how responsible he is, makes him more attractive.

But I truly am going to miss him since we were used to being together all the time.

I made some coffee and placed it on my desk and I played my writing playlist.

I began writing as the words came up in my mind. The beautiful thing about writing is how you are in control. You can make anything happen as you desire.

As I was getting in the flow of writing I heard the jiggling of keys. I jumped out of my chair as quickly as possible before hiding to see who this person might be.

Luna was home and no one else had access to our keys as long as I believe.

When the door opened fully I was extremely shocked at who the person was.

It was Luna.

But she was home. All the time I have known her she has never stayed at the academy for a break. I guess there is a first time for everything.

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