Chapter 1

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"She's got such a good heart

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"She's got such a good heart. She does. It's just been broken. A lot."

It's the beginning of senior year. I will be finally majoring in journalism to become the author I have desired all my life. I will finally be able to show the world who Rose Sullivan is and what makes her unique.

I stand looking at myself in the mirror of my dorm.
I came here 3 years ago in hope of finding myself and let go of what kept me trapped at home.
In these 3 years, I have done nothing of what I wanted to accomplish.
So I did a makeover.
And now I am looking at myself for the first time in my mirror.
I bought fewer baggy clothes. Cut my hair not short but not long.
Colored my hair black.
I bought some jewelry and even redecorated my room.
I was starting my senior year with a fresh start.
I don't want to look back and regret what I never did.

"Are you ready to start our last year at the academy?" my best friend Luna says.
"I am kinda going to miss this place, but I am excited to see what the future brings me. Let's get this over with." I respond truthfully.

I don't like school.
I mean at times I do and others I don't.
I have always been the awkward person who can not talk to others unless they make the first move.
I say nothing and keep my head down.
Sometimes I do overthink my actions.
I believe it is embarrassing that I can not talk to others but sometimes I do not have the energy or the guts to speak up.

But today is the first day back and I am feeling better than ever.

When walking down the hallway with Luna I began to feel eyes on me. I began to hear whispers. I mean I didn't think I looked completely different but the school seemed to think so.

"It seems as if you are going to be the talk of the school today," Luna tells me.

"Well, let's hope not. I just want to graduate and get that diploma already. I have no energy to interact with others." I respond.

"See you at lunch then," Luna says while walking away.

Our academy is always constantly changing and evolving. The Academy of the arts is divided into majors. My major is located at the center of the campus. I pretty much like it because everything is more accessible to me. However, Luna on the other hand has to walk a far distance to get to her classes every day. I told her why she didn't change dorms so she can be closer to her classes but she responded with "I am not leaving you alone" and we have been together ever since, surviving this academy.

Ever since I got accepted and came to the academy Luna and I just clicked. I don't  think I will ever know how to describe our friendship but she is someone I would never want to lose. It's like you never knew you can connect with a person until you meet your best friend.

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