Chapter 29

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"I'm worried that nothing else will ever feel like love again after you

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"I'm worried that nothing else will ever feel like love again after you."

We have been back at the academy for about 3 days now. Everything once coming back came rushing down on seniors. We have to make sure we all have the required classes needed to graduate and also to major in whatever we chose. The Academy of The Arts also gives us the opportunity to donate 5 thousand dollars to any charity we desire. I have chosen to donate to the National Alliance of Mental Illness.

Another great news I have is that Amanda invited me to visit her house today. More specifically she invited me to meet her mother where I can ask her advice on writing since she is an author and I want to become one. I am honestly surprised Amanda invited me. She said since she told her mom about me her mom was curious.

So here I am on a Saturday outside of Amanda's house. Her house is extremely beautiful and her garden is full of flowers where a fountain is in the middle. The house is a 2 story house but longer than  most I have seen meaning the amount of rooms in the house is more than I am used to.

I rang the doorbell and waited to be let in. After a minute Amanda opened the door.

"Hello please come in," she says as she motions with her hand.

"My mother had an emergency meeting at her company but she will be back in 30 minutes. Are you hungry?" she asks.

"Honestly yeah I didn't have time to make lunch," I responded.

"That's great because I just ordered some pizza and I am sure I won't finish it," Amanmda says while getting a plate and serving me pizza.

"Are you excited to meet my mother?" Amanda asks.

"Very! Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to speak to your mother. I am sure all the tips she will give me will be extremely helpful," I say.

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad I can help you in any way possible. Also today I got the news of who won the first year of my fashion program and it was exactly who I thought it would be," she says with a huge smile.

"YAY! I am so happy that your program ran smoothly and well. Are you going to be managing it next year even after graduating?" I ask.

"Honestly I think I am. I like to stay busy all the time and help others as much as I can. Managing the program can also give me time in designing my own clothes for my clothing lines." Amanda says while taking a bite of her pizza.

"I love that," I respond.

"Let's watch a movie and wait for my mother to get home." she says.

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