Chapter 15

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"Smile because it confuses people

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"Smile because it confuses people. Smile, because it's easier than explaining what is killing you inside," - The Joker

*Trigger Warning

It is finally winter break at the academy. 3 weeks of not having school. This is the best information I have gotten recently. However, I never go home during winter break. I always stay on campus to continue writing the book I hope to publish soon.

Luna always leaves me which is fine. I understand she wants to go visit her parents. But I have nothing left back home, nothing I want to go over again.

But this time is different. I am forced to go back home. My younger brother has gotten sick and my aunt wants me to go visit him since he has been asking a lot for me.

Of course, I am going to visit him. I really do miss him.

"Text me when you get home and tell me how your break is going okay," Luna tells me as she carries her luggage outside the door.

"Yes don't worry about me I will be fine," I say while hugging her.


I finished packing all of my luggage onto my car when Blake scared me from behind.

"When are you coming back?" Blake asks

"I'm not sure. When you are coming back?" I now ask.

"I will be gone the whole break. I have some meetings to attend back home so I might be busy but never for you. So text me, call me whatever you want okay. I will miss you," Blake says.

"I'll miss you more," I say.


Being home after all this time is extremely strange. I am happy I will see my siblings again but being back brings me so many memories I wish to forget. You see me and my mother never had a good relationship. I guess with her conditions it is hard to form one. But I grew up too soon. I wasn't given the chance to enjoy life as much as I wanted.

My aunt said she would bring my siblings to my mother's house so I can spend some time with them.

I knocked on the door waiting with my luggage.

"Rose it is so nice to see you again after all this time," my aunt says as she hugs me.

"It is nice to see you too aunt," I say as I step inside the house.

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