Chapter 6

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"They say I'm good but not good enough as if somehow I'm liked but never loved

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"They say I'm good but not good enough as if somehow I'm liked but never loved."

"Last night you didn't want to tell me what happened because you said you were tired. But it's morning now so whathappened yesterday at the party." Luna asks

"Okay I went to get another drink but it spilled all over my dress because of Amanda so I went to go look for a bathroom. But I accidentally opened a door to another room because that house is like a maze. And they were playing 2 truths and 1 lie. By "they" I mean the elite and some other people. So I decided to play, you know. I told them I hadn't kissed a guy so Blake kissed me." I say out of breath.

"No fucken way. Well I mean congrats you kissed someone and it was Blake. Blake Hudson." Luna says.

"I know and things are going to be awkward now. But we have a whole ass project to finish in a couple of weeks. Why did I even say that. I should have never let him kiss me." I say

"No, I think this is actually good. You will be the envy of every girl in the academy." Luna tells ms.

"No that is not what I am looking for. I really don't want to go to school today." I tell Luna

"Don't overthink it." Luna says

I can't help it. I overthink everything in my life.


I am currently taking notes in class. Ms. Martinez is going to give us some time at the end of class to work on the project which is already due in 2 weeks. We work so fast in this academy. From the first to last day nonstop.

"Okay students please work on your project with your partners." Ms. Martinez announces.

"Hey Rose can we talk about yesterday." Blake tells me as he gets a chair next to me.

"Yea whats up?" I ask

"Look I am sorry about yesterday. I know Brady and if it wasn't me it would be him. He likes playing around like that. I am sorry I took away your first kiss." Blake says.

"It's okay Blake seriously. I am honestly grateful it was not Brady. He has literally kissed every girl in this school and more. We never know where his mouth has been." I say

"Are we good then?" Blake asks

"Yes of course we are." I say truthfully.

"I truly like you Rose. You are such an incredible person and I just didn't want to kiss you out of the blue but with Brady forcing it I had no choice." Blake says.

"You like me?" I am confused.

"Of course how could anyone not." Blake says.

"Well I mean for the past 4 years no one has. I have never even talked to you." I say.

"Look I know but just because I didn't talk to you doesn't mean I never noticed you."Blake tells me.

"Well then why now?" I ask, getting irritated.

"Because we have more opportunities to talk now. And ever since you changed your appearance everyone in school has been talking about you. I just don't know. Trust me I have known who you were since your first year at the academy." Blake says.

"I don't know what to say. This is all new to me. Plus your friends don't even like me." I say

"Trust me Rose they do like you. All of them. Amanda just doesn't like another girl competing against her." Blake tells me.

"Please Amanda is beautiful. She never has to worry about me." I tell Blake.

"Like I have said before a girl's beauty is not about her appearance." Blakes says.

"If I would have never changed my appearance would you have ever talked to me?" I ask wanting the answer.

"The reason I never talked to you was because I was always scared. A lot of people see me as this high superior figure and think I am arrogant all the time. I just thought you believed all those rumors that were said about me. But you changed and all the boys started talking about you. It was so annoying. I kissed you yesterday because I didn't want to see anyone else do it." Blake tells me, looking me in the eyes.

"Well this is a lot." I say.

"Right I'm sorry. Just thought you should have known. So the project is going by great. I believe we have all the information we need and all we have to do is organize it to present." Blake says.


"So Blake Hudson has a crush on you." Luna asks.

"That's what he said. I don't know. It took me all by surprise." I say

"Well do you like him." Luna asks again.

"I believe so. At first I was curious about who he was. How he acted. His life. But when he kissed me all of that changed. I felt different all bubbly." I say

"Girl then yeah you like him."


Dear Diary,

Blake said he likes me. I don't even know what that will even mean for us. He is an elite and I am just an ordinary girl on a scholarship who just so happened to get good grades and get accepted to the most prestigious academy in the world. I never knew I would like Blake Hudson, the son of an important doctor and wealthy family. I am no one and he is. Two people from two different worlds.



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