Chapter 18

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"The truth is when we first met I felt something I have never felt before

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"The truth is when we first met I felt something I have never felt before. When we talked I felt peace as if I truly mattered in this world. You made me feel wanted and I loved you for that."

It's the middle of the school year and I am happy about it. I just want to get my degree and leave. I am not even sure where I would go but we all have to start somewhere.

Blake and I have not spoken in a month. After our fight, I told him I needed time to myself to think all of this through and so far he has given me time. I am glad he has respected what I want and let me figure some things by myself first.

I don't talk to the others as much as I would want to because Brady, Cameron, and I have also formed a good bond but we just distanced ourselves a little bit.

But I do have some good news. Brady and Luna have started talking and I don't mean just as friends. I am so happy for them both and for that reason, I have been talking to Brady more. I like him for Luna, a lot.

And I have more news. I passed my English 137 class with an A for the semester which is exciting meaning I can graduate. Now to replace that class I have a Communications Studies class which basically is learning about human communication, their behaviors and patterns, and how it affects their relationships socially. It is an interesting class and I am having a blast taking it.

That is also one of the reasons why I have been distant from the rest of the elites. I mean Amanda and I never truly formed a bond so I don't miss anything about her. I miss Cameron making me laugh 24/7 in the cafeteria.

Brady comes to our dorm all the time to hang out with Luna and he always brings me chocolate. This is how I cope with my sadness by stuffing myself with chocolate. And now I have pimples all over my face making me cry every day.

But anyway right now I am on my way to my communications class. No one I know is in that class because it's for my major.

I haven't really made a friend in the class but with my social anxiety, I don't think it will happen anytime soon.

By the way, the football game is happening in 3 days finally after so much wait. Luna has been a stressful mess trying to get everything settled up for our senior game. I haven't really been involved in the planning because I have been trying to give her space to plan as freely as she likes. But I can say that Brady and Luna have been working extremely hard on this project and I hope everyone appreciates it.

I make my way inside the classroom and sit down on the right side corner in the middle row just to be able to see but not be seen.

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