Chapter 7

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When you can't look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark

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When you can't look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark."

Days Passed

Days have gone by ever since Blake said he liked me.

Nothing has changed much. We hang out after school to work on the project and talk here and there in class.

People give us looks but Blake never makes me feel uncomfortable.

These days have been really good. I got to know Blake a little more. He took me to his apartment which he stays in and it's so beautiful.

We mainly just work in his apartment and sometimes we watch movies because I am a sucker for watching movies.

Blake has always said he was an only child but one day he opened up to me and told me that wasn't true. Blake had a younger brother named Jackson. However, at a young age, he was diagnosed with leukemia and died. He said his parents never once talked about his presence which is why everyone just knows he is an only son. No one knew about his mother's pregnancy because she was extremely ill during the whole thing. She spent her days locked in her house and Blake's family had just said she was on a trip and had no service.

I'm glad Blake opened up to me. I saw how his family's actions have affected him because he never had the opportunity to say bye to Jackson. He was left with a memory only and that was all. No pictures on the wall and no toys on the ground. It was as if he never existed. And Blake was torn to half.

I also opened up to Blake about my family.

The only person who knew was Luna but now Blake does too.

My mother has bipolar disease. She has never been a part of my life; it has always been my father constantly navigating me through life. I never saw my mother much, she would either be locked in a room all by herself and not want to talk to any of her kids. My father worked tirelessly to provide us with shelter and food.

I had to grow up very fast when I was young. I didn't have a childhood. I raised my siblings while my dad was working and my mother in her depressed state.

When I was accepted to the academy I told my parents but they didn't want me to leave. But I knew why. It was because I was the only one who made sure the house did not fall. I made sure the house ran smoothly and when I would leave everything would crumble.

But I left either way. I couldn't deal with everything anymore. I ran off. I was tired of constantly being the bigger person and growing up differently than those my age.

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