Chapter 10

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"I want that "I made a playlist for you" kinda love

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"I want that "I made a playlist for you" kinda love."

Last night when I arrived at my dorm Luna couldn't stop asking me questions.

She wanted to know every single detail and that is exactly what I told her.

This is not my first relationship ever but it is my first relationship in a really long time.

I can't help but be a little scared. Every time you open your heart up to someone they have the ability to do whatever they want with it. But I mean that is life. That is love. That is a relationship. It takes 2.

The world will forever judge every action you take. I bet many will think "she only wants Blake's money what a golddigger." "He feels sorry for her." And sometimes they will never know the truth and that is okay. Unless both of you know it is everything you need.

"So are you going to leave me now and hang out with Blake?" Luna asked.

"Of course not Luna. I will never leave you alone. You will come with me." I say

We left our dorm and began to walk to campus.

The day was beautiful, sunny but not too hot.

I was about to enter the building when a hand grabs my hand and interlocks my fingers.

"Good morning girlfriend," Blakes tells me while holding my hand and kissing my cheek

"Good morning," I say back

"Good Morning Luna how are you?" Blake asks

"I have been alright. You?" Luna asks

"Amazing now that I am dating the most beautiful girl in this school," Blake says while looking at me.

"Well you better not break my best friends heart," Luna tells Blake

When we entered Blake was still holding my hand.

As we entered the hallway students began to stare and whisper.

I felt a knot in my throat making it hard for me to breathe.

I hated being the center of attention. Maybe for many, it was their dream or are the type of person to always want attention but I hated it. I bet I already knew what they were saying about me. "She's too ugly for Blake." "Look at her body, does she know what a gym is?" "I pity her." I imagined what I have been hearing all my life.

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