Chapter 13

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"Timing has never been our strong suit

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"Timing has never been our strong suit."

The weekend passed by extremely fast and now it was Monday again.

Luna revealed the photos and they came back yesterday. Each one of them was pretty and unique which I loved. Luna makes sure all her photographs resemble her that they have something others don't.

Luna still hasn't texted Brady. Maybe she never will but I hope she does. I always encourage her to do what her gut desires. Sometimes breaking your heart is needed in order for you to move on into a better version of yourself. Or maybe Brady is the one who can help Luna overcome her traumatic relationship.

I do feel like Luna is scared to open herself up again. I mean who wouldn't be scared after going through everything she went through. I don't think I would even be half as strong as she is. Well until life tests me.


Blake and I were sitting together during our first class doing work that was projected upon the board. Ever since we started dating this has been our routine. Blake, Brady, and sometimes Amanda when she wants to join us sit together and do work. It has been really fun although we do tend to get distracted there is never one day they don't make me laugh.

"Okay students please pack up all your materials we have an assembly today in the science building," says Ms. Martinez

"An assembly I wonder what it is going to be about," I say

"You and me both and I am in the student committee so I should know," says Blake.

We all moved to the science building where everyone was taking their seats. I immediately saw Luna and called her over. We then sat down in the front row with the rest of the group. Everyone was starting to settle in and the headmistress came up the stage.

"Hello students, thank you all for coming. We have gathered you all here today because we have some important information to share with you all. To give you all the announcement please welcome Emily and Damien Hudson." says the headmistress.

Everyone began clapping and all I could do is stay seated in shock. Emily and Damien were Blake's parents. The richest family in the academy is going to come and visit us. And I am sitting next to their son. I was not prepared for this.

"What the fuck are my parents doing here. They never come, this has to be important," Blake says.

Blake is acting all calm but I swear my whole body is shaking. My head is hurting and I can't seem to process the fact that his parents are here. I mean I am not even sure if he will present me as his girlfriend so I might be freaking out over nothing. But if he does present me to them I was not dressed for the occasion.

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