Chapter Twenty Four

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~Eliza's POV~

Maybe I was dying.

My head was pounding, my stomach was churning, and I felt like I was on fire.

I managed to twist my head to the side, and tried to blearily blink my eyes as they adjusted to the sunlight that poured through the window.

Why didn't I shut the curtains..?

A yowling noise made my heart thump suddenly, and a hand tapped my shoulder. 

"Are you awake?"

"Fucking hell Pietro, what are you doing?"

He grumbled into the pillow, the fabric stifling his annoyance. "I was sleeping."

"What happened?" I croaked.

His hair hung into my eyeline, as he clumsily lifted himself onto elbows. "You don't remember yesterday."

A bile of vomit rose in my throat, and I pushed him back beside me. "Of course I remember yesterday... I remember Dad, and you... and Thor giving me a drink, and then another, and..."

"Oh..." Pietro's laugh was deep and throaty, "you're hungover my love."

"This is worse than any hangover I..."

I could feel the weight change, and Pietro stepped off the bed. He gently pulled the curtain shut, and walked into my bathroom.

Eliza is... sick?

"Not sick." I mumbled.

We are too hot Eliza we need to sleep and recover.

"That sounds nice." I murmured, trying to close my eyes.


"Hey, I'm fine." Note to self - squeezing my eyes shut will only give me a worse headache.

Pietro clinked a small glass of water down on the bedside table. "Drink it, then sleep."


I woke up four hours later and felt a lot better. I wandered down the hall, seeing the place deserted but there was a thrum of energy, like the place had come back to life.

A few non-Avengers were milling around, carrying rolls of wallpaper and big boxes overflowing with wires and circuit boards. One of them caught me watching, and offered a small smile. "The boss wants us to patch up the wall on the west side, got pretty bad damage yesterday."

I frowned. I didn't remember seeing anyone here yesterday besides the main group. "Were you near the... damage?"

He shook his head, "Oh, no! Mr Stark gave us the weekend off, but we got a debrief this morning."

"Charles, come on! We need to get moving or we'll be stuck doing this tomorrow too!" An older woman with frizzy ginger hair waved at him from the doorway behind us. "Keep moving!"

He gave me a dimpled grin and jogged slightly down the hall.

There was no way I could jog now. Emergency doctors had arrived on site yesterday to patch up the worst of the injuries, but the bruises, cuts and scrapes were hurting badly. The hangover was lessening due to the super painkillers Pietro had found, but the Hulk was drained from the entire experience, and was calling for bed.

I watched the doors swing shut behind them, and turned back to the door closest to me. I pushed it open, feeling a small surge of energy to get me to the main Avengers living quarters.

"I thought you liked orange juice?"

"I do like orange juice, but this... this apple? Is that what you call this?"

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