Chapter Six

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~Eliza's POV~

I woke up the next morning to find the facility almost deserted. I assumed everybody was having a lie in after the late night the day before, and I used it as a chance to wander the hallways alone, and get lost in a tangled stream of my thoughts.

Despite battling with my emotions, I still unsure how I was meant to feel about living with the Avengers. I loved it, but that was what scared me. The only reason I was here was because somebody had recently injected me with the Hulks DNA, but they hadn't resurfaced since. That thought terrified me, but the safety the facility offered me often made me forget quite how serious the attack was.

I strolled through the maze of corridors, but slowed my pace as I heard thuds and muffled swears coming from the kitchen. I tentatively pushed the door open, but relaxed as I saw Thor squatting on the floor surrounded by pots and saucepans. His swears were directed at them, as he haphazardly attempted to push them back in the cupboards with little luck.

"I will break you if you bang on the floor again! You shall wake the others!" Thor whispered harshly.

I stifled my laugh as I stepped into view, waving at him as he turned his head to look at me. "Do you want some help?"

He wore a sheepish smile as he glanced down at the pans, which had just fallen back onto the polished floor. "They attacked me."

I nodded along, humouring him, and collected them from where they'd rolled away. "They have a habit of doing that." I smiled, securely stacking them in their correct places.

His chuckle filled the kitchen as he stood up, wiping at the soft cotton pyjamas he wore. "Indeed. What brings you to the kitchen so early?"

I took the last saucepan from his outstretched hand, and slid it into the cupboard. "I was hungry. You?"

Thor smiled and danced around me to pull the freezer door open. He pulled out a tub of chocolate brownie flavoured ice cream, with his name clearly printed on a sticker stuck to its lid. "Bruce was kind enough to purchase this for me. Would you care to share it?"

I grinned, feeling like Thor had accepted me, and opened the drawer to pull out two spoons. He split the tub between the two of us, and offered me a bowl with a simple smile on his face. We ate in silence, sitting beside one another on the island stools. In the time it took me to eat my small bowl, Thor had made a second and third trip back to the tub, before scraping out the melting remains with his spoon.

"So you are not Bruce's daughter?" He asked, his attention now fixed on me after he'd devoured the delicious ice cream.

"No, we're not related." I confirmed, sliding off the stool to flick the kettle on. After such a sickly sweet breakfast, I was dying for a strong cup of tea.

"I did think it was odd that he never mentioned a child to me." He mused, running his fingers through his knotted hair.

Remembering what Pietro had told me last night, I decided to ask him about his relationship with Bruce. It had come as a shock, but the pair obviously shared feelings for one another. "Pietro said that you two were together."

"Pietro and I?" Thor asked, a horrified look on his face.

I tried not to snort as I saw his reaction, and shook my head as I turned away to tip the boiling water into my mug. "You and Bruce."

"Oh, yes. Yes we are." Thor beamed, love and pride on his face as he stood up, his height filling the room we were in.

"How long?" I asked.

"Oh, just over a year I think. Bruce has the dates but I forget. Time on Midgard is different to Asgard."

I nodded, although I wasn't entirely sure what he meant. "You said you have a brother?"

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