Chapter Fourteen

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~Eliza's POV~

I stood in the middle of a tall, windowless room, and watched Pietro run laps on the walls. The blue blur grew higher and higher before he slowly began dropping in height back to the floor.

He hung his head as he approached me, and I let myself be enveloped in his sturdy arms. "She's alive." He whispered into my hair.

I held him, and rubbed his back gently. "I know that's what she said-"

"Why would she lie? Wanda is alive, I can feel it!"

"Pietro, look." I grabbed his arm as he stepped back, and tried to pull him back into a hug. "The others are interrogating her. We'll have answers soon."

"They won't let me in!" He roared, ripping his hand away. "That's my sister!"

Then he took off in a run, and the blue blur disappeared up the walls again.

I sighed, and left the room.

I wandered through the busy halls to the interrogation room that I'd been shown. I slipped into the room next to it, joining Nat, Steve and Thor in watching Tony interrogate the girl through a window.

She was short, but seemed to radiate an air of power. Her hands were bound in thick cuffs to a table. She was smiling, as if she found this whole situation to be a joke, and shrugged as Tony asked her a question.

"Who is she?" I asked.

Nat didn't tear her eyes away. "Said she's called Raven. No surname."

"What's she doing here?"

Thor tightened his fist around his arm. "She isn't telling us anything useful."

"I need to know something. Pietro is going insane, I can't just stand by anymore." I watched as she flicked her hair over her shoulder, before leaning towards Tony.

Steve faced me, "I know what you're thinking, but no offence Eliza, you can't interrogate her. We've all tried."

I frowned, "I wasn't suggesting that. Although..." I walked out of the room, and pushed open the door where Raven was.

Tony looked annoyed, but his expression dropped as he saw me. "What are you doing?"

"It's my turn." I smiled, "move."

He glanced back at the mirror behind us, where we knew the Avengers were watching, but trudged to his feet. "Don't push it kiddo." He grumbled as he walked past.

I sat down in his seat as the door shut behind him, and crossed one leg over the other.

The girl stared back at me, and her eyebrow lifted as she studied my face. Then her mouth slowly fell open, and she frowned in confusion. "You're her."

I shrugged, having no idea what she was on about. "What's this about Wanda being alive?"

The girl stayed staring, and didn't answer my question.

"Raven, was it?"

The girl blinked out of her daze and nodded. "You're Eliza."

I tried not to let her knowing my name faze me, and kept a straight face. "You know who I am, so you know what Pietro means to me."

"He loves you."

I had to remind myself she was dangerous, before I leant across the table and asked her if that statement was true.

"Wanda. Where is she?"

Raven shrugged, and leant back in her chair. The confidence settled back around her, as she shuffled so her wavy dark hair readjusted around her face. "Believe me, I want to know."

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