Chapter Four

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I had managed to be Hulk attack free for a full week, and was finally allowed to leave the stifling locked cell. I wasn't completely alone in there, as the Hulk has begun to murmur into consciousness every now and then. It had been unsettling the first few times, and I'd screamed to JARVIS for Bruce to help me.

Every morning since then I'd been getting better though, and at the end of the week I was glad to see Bruce with a smile on his face as he pushed the door open to greet me. "Are you ready?"

I nodded quickly, already feeling my cheeks aching from smiling at the thought of leaving, and took his offered arm in my hand.

We were quiet for the first minute or so of walking, until Bruce cleared his throat. "What are you interested in?"

"What?" I glanced up at him, whilst trying to remember the paths we took.

"I can tell you aren't a huge fan of science." He laughed.

"Understatement of the century" I mumbled.

I caught his smile as he looked back down at me. "So what do you like?"

I thought for a moment as we reached the living facilities. It began to look a little more homely, with small ornaments and framed pictures decorating the halls every now and then. I let a smile drift onto my face as I remembered my last trip out of the cell like room, spending time with Bruce in the kitchen. "I like baking."

"I liked those pancakes" Bruce mused as we reached a particularly long stretch of corridor.


He pressed his hand to a scanner, that read his fingerprints before flashing a green light to indicate we could pass. Doors were spaced along the walls for as far as I could see. "These are the sleeping halls." Bruce gestured, "Everyone has a bedroom available to them. Tony, Nat and Clint at the end, on the left, and Steve, Thor and I at the end, on the right."

"A room for each of the Avengers?"

Bruce nodded. "Peter and Pietro have rooms after Clint, and Sam and Bucky after me" He smiled sympathetically as he saw my slightly confused face. "You'll figure it out after a while. And every door is decorated, which should help."

I nodded slowly, as Bruce pointed to a clean, grey door. "You're next to Bucky."

"I... I've not met Bucky have I?" I searched through my slightly scattered memories of my time here.

Bruce shook his head, "He, Sam and Clint are on a mission together at the moment."

I nodded, then turned to face him properly. "So this is my room?" He smiled, and pushed the door open to let me step inside.

It was huge. There was a large window on the wall opposite, with a small sofa positioned next to it. A double bed was pressed against the wall to the right, and a narrow bookcase was on the wall to the left. A wardrobe was positioned next to a door that opened into an en-suite.

"This is..." I fell silent, walking around the room. "Too much. This is way too much! Me and Josh were living in a two room flat and now... I don't even have any clothes! Or books to fill the bookcase!"

Bruce let me rant as I marched around the room, waving at imaginary things. "Eliza. You don't have to live here forever. Not if you don't want to. The choice is yours, but it's not one you need to make right now. We have clothes rooms, and you can buy more, as well as books."

My face fell at the same time I sunk onto the bed. "Bruce, I don't even have a job anymore. I got an email saying they terminated my contract as I failed to turn up after a week." I bit back a wave of sadness, "I'm so sorry, I don't want to sound ungrateful, I'm just not used to this."

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