Chapter Sixteen

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~Eliza's POV~

"I'm not evil you know?" Raven plucked a grape from the bowl on the kitchen island, her face resting in her palm as she batted her heavily made up eyelashes at me. "I just want Wanda back."

"Everyone wants Wanda back." I muttered, ignoring the raised brow she lifted. "We have three weeks and so far we don't have a solid plan."

"So let me help." She leant forward, her green and black checked shirt sleeves ruffling around her elbows as she pleaded. "I know more about them than you."

"How can we trust you-?"

"Eliza." I rolled my eyes as I heard Loki's warning tone from behind me. "I told you that you can trust Raven."

I scowled, but my face was broken of it's annoyed look as my phone rang. Startled, I glanced at the screen to see Josh's photo across it. "Guys!" I shouted, even though Loki and Raven were the only ones in the room with me. I knew JARVIS would summon them individually.

I slid the green accept button across the screen and held the phone to my ear, plastering a smile on my face as I spun my chair to face away from Ravens intrigued expression. "Josh?"

"Eliza, hey!" He sounded happy, and I couldn't help but feel the dread rise from the pit of my stomach. "I have good news!"

"Really?" I locked eyes with Loki, who nodded and slipped out of the room, reading my wordless request of him to find Pietro for me. "What is it?"

"I'm coming back sooner than expected! Three days time, in fact, so I can come and pick you up at the end of the week! Isn't that brilliant! I've got the flights all booked so all you have to do is pack a few bags."

"A few?" I tried to force the slight strain from my voice as I attempted to clear my throat. "How long are we going to be there?"

There was a slight pause, before he laughed. "I thought we could stay for a couple of weeks - make it feel like a proper trip home you know? It's been so long since we've been there together."

"How come you're here early?" I looked around the room, but I only saw Raven creeping closer to listen to the conversation. Loki hadn't returned yet, and even though I called for the others nobody else had arrived either.

"I'm not skiving Eliza, work have given me the time off." He sounded disgruntled, and I chose not to press the subject further in case he realised that I knew more than I was letting on.

"Anyway," he changed the subject. "How are the two Peters? Still fighting for your affection?"

I frowned, "there's only one Peter, and nobody is fighting for me Josh." I didn't want him to know that Pietro and I were together. That would only make him a target and I didn't know if my conscious would be able to stay in tact if he suffered any pain because of me.

"No..." he trailed off, "there's another one. Peter Max?"

I shook my head softly, "do you mean Pietro?"

"I didn't catch that-" there was a fumbling through the speaker, before he said, "say it again?"

"Pietro," I repeated myself, "not Peter."

"Right," he chuckled softly, "and Dr Banner, is he still okay?"

"Yeah Bruce is nice," I swung my head to see the door open, and Bruce and Pietro darting through it with Loki trailing leisurely behind them.

"I've got to go-" the fumbling noise came again, "but I'll see you in three days! Start packing! I love you!"

He hung up before I could reply.

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