Chapter Eighteen

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~Eliza's POV~

A painful burning pricked around my eyes, and I could already feel how tight and dry my throat had grown. "Wanda? You're Wanda?"

She nodded, her flaming hair almost as bright as the unnatural shade her eyes were glowing. A thick green vein pulsed in her neck, and I fought the urge to stare at it. "Yes I am. I've heard all about you. They tell me about you."

She pointed behind me, and I whipped my head back to see a line of stairs leading up. "They?"

"The men." She had a manic glint in her eyes, a mad smile lifting her lips up.

"I need... I need to tell Pietro. You're here!" I still couldn't believe it as I fumbled to find the locket around my neck, but I couldn't find it. Where had it gone?

I then clasped my wrist, remembering my watch with the second hidden microphone would still be fastened there. But alas, it wasn't.

The tears actually fell then.

The worry overtook me. I knew Wanda would likely be kept here, but I didn't think I would find her so soon. The euphoria of finding her was smashed when I couldn't find the only contact I had with the Avengers.

"Wanda? Have you... have you seen my locket?"

"Hmm..." Wandas head slowly tilted to stare at me, her wide eyes scanning my body. "No." Her voice was soft and airy, like she was on some kind of high.

I knelt up and crawled closer to the glass. "You have to listen to me - I'm Pietros girlfriend, I'm going to help you."

Her brows crinkled in slight confusion, and she parted her lips slowly. "Who's Pietro?"

A stabbing pain shot through my heart as my throat froze up again. "He's... he's your twin. You don't remember him?"

A soft tinkling laugh filled my glass cell as Wanda flicked her hair back. "Oh sweetheart you still have concussion. I don't have a brother."

"What? No, you do! He's my boyfriend, he's been looking for you."

Wandas smile fell into a frown, "Are you okay? I don't have a brother, I'm sure you're mixing me up with someone else. Maybe you should rest."

"Raven." I gulped as Wandas face crumpled into an anxiety filled expression.

"What about Raven?"

"She's my friend-"

"Where is she? She can't be here! Is she okay? She needs to stay away, those men are evil, Raven is my only family I am not risking Raven-"

I chewed my lip, "she followed me to England, I don't know where she went after we got off the plane-"

"Eliza, Raven is the only person I have." The airy lilt of her voice disappeared as her hands shook. Like Raven, Wanda summoned swirling mist, but instead of the rich purple that Raven wore, Wandas was the unnatural red colour that was glowing from her eyes.

Her voice grew louder as she began getting upset, "Eliza!"

"Where are we?" I broke her panicking train of thought. The Avengers had to find us - I had trackers in my shoes, earrings and bag...

With a building sense of dread I realised I wasn't wearing my shoes, my earrings were missing and I didn't have a clue where on Earth my bags were.

Wanda sighed, "Scotland."

I spluttered with surprise, and stared at her through the misting glass. "Fuck off."

She glared at me, and the glass around us began to shake. "Don't make me angry," She gritted out, "I cant control it."

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