Chapter Twenty

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~Eliza's POV~

Wanda knelt by my side, and traced her fingers over the cuts and bruises over my body. The red mist was encasing my head, and as I watched my skin regrowing and the bruises fading, I felt the pounding ache at the front of my mind ease.

She was pure magic.

My skin was stuck between the Hulks and my own, and my clothes were ripped and torn over my body after the transformation. My energy levels were so low I didn't care in shielding myself, and just lay back, feeling my body repair.

I blinked up at Wanda, noticing the green veins lifting away from her face. One cheek was stained green, and her nimble fingers matched the Hulks colour. It looked strange, seeing a magical half human half Hulk in front of me, but she didn't look in pain - she looked content.

"We need to leave." I mumbled.

Wanda hummed, flicking her hair behind her ear as her brows furrowed. She pinched the skin on the back of my hand, then smiled up at me. "You need to rest whenever we get a chance. You'll be okay for the next twelve hours, then you should eat and sleep."

"What did you do?" I eased up onto my elbows, as I felt a layer of cloth cover me. I looked down, and realised she'd clothed in layers of jumpers and a coat, with thick socks and boots covering my feet and waterproof trousers over my legs.

She stood up in a similar outfit, and waved her hand to create a wide red shadow that lay above us, and I watched in fascination as rain began falling, but bounced off the shield.


"If you've met Raven..." she trailed off, and for the first time since seeing the new, not so high and dazed Wanda, she looked scared. "I have the same powers, somehow. How is she? Is she okay? I'm sorry I don't even really know you, all I know was that you were the hidden secret-"

"The what?"

Wanda reached a hand down to me, and helped me stagger onto my feet. "The hidden secret. That's what the man called you anyway. Both he and Josh changed into the Hulk, then me and you. We're the only successful tries - he said once you'd been injected successfully then he could move onto the army."

"I... shit! We need to call the Avengers, there's gonna be a huge army. Where's my Dad?"

"The man?"

I nodded.

"He left. I saved Josh," I turned to follow her hand that pointed to Josh, who was now stood straight with his eyes closed, being held up by the red mist. "I figured I wouldn't give him his conscious back just yet, thought you might want to deal with getting out of here first."

I shook my head, then nodded. "Good idea. Do you have a phone on you by any chance? Or Josh?"

Wanda shook her head, and scratched at her cheek. "I would have picked up on the signals. We need to walk."

"Can we walk with..." I waved at my older brother, "how are we meant to bring him with us?"

Wanda flicked her fingers at him, and he rose half a foot off the floor. His head lolled to the side, his eyes still shut as he began floating away across the field.

I turned back to stare at the rubble of the building we'd formerly been trapped in.

My skin itched to dig through it, and find evidence of my fathers wrongdoings. His plans of creating a Hulk army to protect himself were insane, and I was torn between looking for a phone and gathering information on my Dad.

"I'll protect it." Wanda peered at me, "It's not hard. Look."

She waved her hand in a small but complicated gesture, and I watched as the mess of stone and smoking shrapnel flickered and faded, and soon we were staring at a field full growing crops.

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