Chapter Twenty Six

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~Eliza's POV~

The strong smell of coffee pulled me back to the kitchen after my morning jog. I was meant to be going on it with Pietro, but he was too quick.

Maybe jogging wasn't our 'couple activity'.

I had a quick shower and followed the smell happily.

Tony and Peter were debating something that sounded incredibly difficult, from the end of the table. It practically sounded like a different language, and their waving hands weren't helping.

I found a jug of fresh orange juice next to the coffee pot and quickly changed my mind, filling a glass with the juice instead. I made some toast while I was stood up, and listened as their debate changed to Peter's latest project.

Pietro walked in, rubbing his stomach as it growled loudly, "my darling Eliza you look so good I could eat you." He mumbled as he stood next to me, digging through the bread bin for a bagel.

I elbowed his side, my cheeks flaming, "maybe later."

I kissed his cheek, then slid into a spare seat at the table, reaching across it for some butter for my toast.

"Are you not going anywhere now?" Tony looked at me over his bowl of cereal. Relative normality had resumed at the Tower - no new or ongoing threats, and people were growing itchy and restless.

"What do you mean?" I sipped on my orange juice, "are you kicking me out?"

Pietro kissed the top of my head as he reached over me for the jam, before sitting on a spare chair opposite.

"Well, generally, after big missions like these, we all split up again." He gestured around the room, "have some down time, a holiday, whatever. You get to go back to your real life."

I frowned, but Peter was talking, "I'm going back to school soon - not much of a holiday for me."

"So what about you," Tony waggled the end of his spoon at me, "are you two gonna stay and stink up the place with all your lovey dovey eyes, or travel the world... or you know, you could go to school too."

I saw Pietro raise his brow slightly, curiously listening in. I chewed on my toast, mulling the options over. "To be honest, I hadn't thought that far ahead. I've only been here a few months, dealing with the whole Hulk in my body thing-"

You like me!

"-and then the kidnapping so... I don't know."

"Huh," Tony gulped his coffee down and dumped the dishes next to the sink. "I just figured teenagers spend all their time dreaming and planning of ways to escape their families to live somewhere else."

"Maybe, but I mean, all my family are dead or estranged - I already escaped them."

He ruffled my hair as he walked past, "I meant us, kiddo."

The door shut behind him.

"Did he just call himself my family?"

Peter grinned, "in fairness, we kind of are your family now. Suck it up, you're not gonna escape us." He crumpled up the juice box he'd been drinking, and tossed it into the bin. "Talking of school though, I need to finish another application to an advanced course and the deadline is tonight."

Leaving Pietro and I alone, he wandered off after Tony.

Pietro blew his hair our of his face as he bit into his bagel, eyes finding mine across the table. "What do you think?" I asked him.

"I think I like you," he smiled cheerily, sipping his coffee between bites of his breakfast.

"Well that's good," I walked around to hug him from behind, resting my head on his shoulder. His hand held onto mine as he finished eating, before he turned to hug me. "What do you normally do between missions?"

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