Chapter Nineteen

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~Eliza's POV~

"You're back." Wanda's dazed voice greeted me as I slumped back down the side of my cell. "Hello."

"Do you always sound like that?" I frowned. From the descriptions the Avengers had given me I had pictured her to be a lot more... together. Currently she seemed light and airy, almost drunk or high, as her eyes drifted over the walls of the basement.

"Like what?" She mumbled, her hands trailing through the air in front of her, a misty red swirl twirling around her fingers.

"Nothing." I mumbled.


Thirteen people died. Thirteen people, who my own father had killed.

Eliza calm.

I shrugged the Hulk away, but she became persistent.

Eliza. Stay calm. Think clearly.

"No." I muttered. Her voice grew louder, but no matter how much I chanted the single one worded objection, I could still hear her. I gripped at my head, as her growing anger began to battle my own.

By the time Josh began walking down the stairs I was on the verge of a transformation.

"Eliza, you need to look at me."

I was almost hyperventilating as I twisted to the side, and tried to focus on Wandas lazy expression instead. But Josh didn't give up, as his footsteps echoed closer to the door of my cell. "Calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down!" I screamed. I could feel the vessels in my arms rising with the familiar tinting of pain that linked with the Hulk growing larger in my body.


"No!" I bellowed. My voice had dropped in pitch, the thick gravelly sound coming from the being that was living deep inside me. I twisted my head to the side, feeling the spit flying from my mouth as the anger overtook me, the frustration and fear drawing the adrenaline higher to terrify me into transforming. "Listen to me! Thirteen people died, Josh! And now me? And Wanda? How many more lives are to be taken because you can't control this... obsession! Of pleasing your Dad."

"He's your Dad too." Joshs eyes narrowed as he edged closer to the door. "He's your blood."

I jumped to my feet, and slowly stalked towards him. A sense of power pounded out of my body, the rhythm thumping with the beating of my heart. "He will never be mine."

"He already is." He gritted out. His clenched fists simmered green, and he slowly inched taller over me and the door of the cell separating us.

"How many more people were injected?" I chewed down on my lip. "How many more people have the Hulk injection?"

He stayed silent, but I watched as the seams on his shirt split, green skin growing visible as the fabric shredded around him. His trousers stretched as his waist widened, and he grew taller to tower completely above me.

A shadow fell through the door, covering me as I craned my neck to stare up at the anger fuelled expression on his face. "Hulk no like Eliza."

I blinked.

He injected himself?

His Hulks hand ripped the door from its hinges, and flung it behind his body. My own Hulk began muttering, long and deep tones as I debated giving her control. But then Joshs Hulk lunged forward, his hand reaching for me this time, but I watched as my own green fist grabbed his, and yanked him down to the floor.

I stayed in the back seat as my Hulk... technically, me... ducked under his flying body and darted into the main body of the basement. Bottles lined several of the shelves along the wall, with luminous green liquid glowing within them. Open cases were lined up on benches underneath them, all filled with fresh needles; the shiny points glinting from the lights that hung directly overhead.

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