Chapter Seventeen

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~Eliza's POV~

"Are you ready?"

I fidgeted with the bag strap that was slung over my shoulder. "No."

Bruce smiled sympathetically at me, and opened his arms wide so I could step into his hug. "You're wearing the microphone in the locket, and there are trackers in your earrings. Trackers are also in your shoes, and embedded in your suitcases."

"And the microphones are inside my watch too." I smiled weakly up at him as I took a step back. Tears were already pricking at my eyes, and my face crumpled as I tried to stop them from spilling down my cheeks. "I don't want to go-"

"Don't start, ssh..." Bruce hugged me again, "I don't want you to go either. But the Avengers are already setting up a jet and they'll land in London around the same time you will. We'll be close by."

I nodded slowly, and tiredly wiped at my eyes. I was aware of the time, and tried not to peer through the glass doors that led from the reception space we were stood in to the outside.

Pietro and I had already had our tearful farewell. He hadn't wanted to let me go, and began arguing with everyone when it dawned on him that this was reality. I was actually going - this was real life.

Raven had left an hour ago, to avoid suspicion if Josh had been watching the facility for any movement. She made sure to publicly leave, creating a scene at the entrance with one of the guards as they checked her ID, before flouncing down the rest of the path.

I was still wary of her, but I knew that when it came to Wandas wellbeing, Raven only wanted to help.

The crunching of gravel broke through the strained silence of the hallway, and Bruce stepped to the side as I hovered anxiously by the door. My heart was pounding against my chest as the blurry sight of my brother stepping out of the car could be seen through the tinted glass.

"I love you." Bruce whispered softly, squeezing my hand before I opened the door.

My own hand stilled on the handle, and I turned to look at him with slight surprise. My feelings suddenly overwhelmed me, as o nodded softly. "I love you too."

Josh knocked on the door, and I glanced up to see the wobbly outline of his body waiting for me to let him in. I plucked up my courage, and plastered a smile on my face as I welcomed him into the entrance hall of the Avengers facility.

"Eliza!" He scooped me into his arms, squeezing me with such a ferocity that I lost my breath. I managed to step back, but his hands tightened around my upper arms as he examined me closely. "Are you feeling better now? Less angry?"

I fought the feeling to grind my jaw in annoyance, and instead nodded. "I'm a lot better actually. Bruce has helped me a lot."

Josh finally averted his gaze from my face to nod at Bruce. "Thank you again Dr Banner, for helping her through all of this. If I wasn't needed at work I would have stayed here the whole time-"

"It's fine." Bruce cut him off with a polite shrug, "It's what we do."

"Right." Josh looked a little taken aback, but slid his hands into his pockets and gestured back to his car. "Are you ready to go or do you need to say goodbyes to anyone?"

"I'm good to go." I glanced back at Bruce, and pushed through the sudden urge to cling onto him and not let go. "I'll see you in two weeks."

His smile was slightly threatening as he held onto the door. "Stay out of trouble."

I followed Josh down the drive to where he'd parked his car. It was different to the last car he'd owned. "Is this new?" I frowned, "I thought you were saving for a house."

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