Chapter Thirteen

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~Pietro's POV~

The call came too early. Eliza was still asleep in my bed when the door creaked open and the Captain poked his head around it, muttering the words, "We've got a code red."

I managed to untangle myself from Eliza's sleeping body, which just gently grumbled as she rolled onto her side and buried herself under the blankets. I flashed around the room in a hurry to get dressed, and grab the extra equipment I keep stashed under my bed.

When I was finally ready to leave my room, I slowed down. The top of Eliza's head poked out onto the pillow, and I felt my heart twist at the sight. I gently, and slowly, lowered my head so I could kiss the small sliver of her cheek that was exposed. She huffed, and wiggled her shoulder in her sleep, but didn't say anything else.

"Stay safe Eliza," I whispered, as I adjusted the blankets around her, "I will be back soon, I promise."

And then I left, taking a last glance before the door shut behind me.


~Eliza's POV~

I woke up alone, in an empty bed, in an empty room. I didn't know where Pietro had gone, but something didn't feel right.

I slipped out of his bed, and wrapped my dressing gown back around my body. The fluffy fabric was now too warm, as the sun creeping around his curtains showed it was going to be a sunny day.

But I didn't stop off at my room, and instead walked down to the kitchen, hoping he was just making breakfast.

The kitchen was deserted too, and I felt the pit of my stomach clenching as I looked around the room. I chewed on my lip, and turned to march back to the sleeping corridor in the hopes of finding a single Avenger.

Instead, I spun and bounced into a tall redhead, who looked completely unfazed by me storming into her. She just tilted her head to the side, and ever so slightly narrowed her eyes as she scrutinised me.

A moment later the look was replaced by a friendly smile, and she nodded with a form of approval. "You're Eliza."

She walked past me, and towards the cupboard which hid the cereal from Thor, who had decided his favourite meal was now Coco Pops. "Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh sorry, how rude!" She swallowed her mouthful of water, and waved her hand, "I'm Nat."

Realisation sunk in, and I tightened my dressing gown around myself, now feeling slightly embarrassed by my pyjamas. "It's so nice to meet you, I've heard a lot. You're the Black Widow right?"

"Right." She confirmed, before leaning back on the counter to study me again. "So you and Pietro?"

I nodded, although I could feel my cheeks turning pink. "Actually, have you seen him this morning? You're the first Avenger I've spoken to today."

Nat's face fell into a serious frown, and she carefully put her glass of water down on the side. She stepped closer, and tried to smile, "he's gone on a mission, Eliza. A lot of them have."

I felt my heart shatter as instant worry twisted its way like planted veins from my gut up to my throat. She must have seen my reaction as she stepped closer again, and hesitantly reached an arm towards me. "Peter, Sam and I are all here today. The others are on the mission."

My throat had grown dry, so I resorted to nodding. Her sympathetic eyes made me want to cry, but something told me I needed to stay strong. If I was to stay here then I'd have to be strong enough to see him disappear on missions without me.

But he left without a goodbye. That hurt.

"You eaten today kid?" She asked, the change in tone making me a little startled.

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