Chapter Twenty Two

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~Eliza's POV~

"Home sweet home." I yawned, flopping face down on my bed at the facility. The flight to America had been long and I was utterly exhausted. It didn't help that Pietro's leg was tapping the entire way as his nerves and too-small space built up his need to run.

"Are you glad to be back?" Pietro bounced onto the bed next to me, yawning just as loudly before he prodded my shoulder. "Are you going to sleep?"

"Mmm, probably." I hummed, "Why, do you want to join me?"

I blearily blinked up to see his ecstatic smile, and I grinned back. "I'm going to have a shower."

"That's great! I'll check in with Wanda, then you rest."

He was out of the room after kissing my forehead, and I was soon left alone. A pit of worry built up as the door shut behind him. I knew it wouldn't do anyone any good if I was fretting over them both. But I didn't want Pietro to be hurt - Wanda was his only family and I was worried that she wouldn't be able to meet the high standards he held her to.

I washed my hair, and held myself upright as I brushed my teeth. My new green cheek and dark eye still took me by surprise, but I was beginning to accept it. The Hulk was a part of me now, and that meant that they would physically be on my skin forever.

"Just... need to..." I danced on one foot as I pulled a sock over it. Since the Hulks new found confidence with sharing my body, I'd begun to have fluctuations of being too hot and too cold.

I bundled a jumper round myself, and opened the en-suite door, almost screaming as I caught sight of a figure buried under blankets on my bed.

Pietro's head popped out sheepishly, his body emerging as he lifted the blanket up for me to crawl under. "You okay?"

"I thought you were talking to Wanda?" I mumbled, cuddling into his side.

He made a thick, gruff noise. "She's sharing a room with Raven."

I propped myself onto an elbow, and stroked some of his hair away from his face. "That makes sense-"

"But she went straight to her room!"

"So did I?" I tried to defend Wanda, but Pietro looked heartbroken as he stared up at me.

"I'm sorry," I leant over and wrapped him into my arms. "We'll try again tomorrow."


Tomorrow came and went. And then the next day, and the next. There was no news of my fathers disappearance, and it was becoming apparent that Wanda liked a disappearing act too.

We'd barely seen her since we got back to the facility. Like the first night, she shared a room with Raven every evening and night.

Even when Raven left the room to grab dinner or snacks, she would go straight back to her room. Nobody questioned it really, but it was becoming harder to leave it unacknowledged.

On the few occasions Wanda had joined us, she'd hovered by the door way, as if convincing herself she could make a quick escape. She wouldn't speak unless Raven initiated a conversation, or gave her reassurance to answer a question. It was almost like she was suffering like a lost child plunged into a completely new and upsetting environment - which wasn't strictly untrue.

Pietro, however, had morphed into a clingy toddler mixed with a puppy, constantly following me around, asking non stop questions and demanding what I'm doing with pouting eyes every time I stand up.

"Just talk to her," I suggested for the fifth time that day. "Just knock on the door and say hello."

"I can't do that." He tugged on his hair, "she doesn't want to hear from me - I'm a no one to her and that's how it's going to be until she decides she wants to know me."

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