Chapter 48

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I could not believe the absolute garbage that was spewing out of their mouths.

"Bayne didn't kill her!" I defended him.

"Quiet! He wasn't speaking to you." The witch sneered at me.

"He's right. I didn't kill her. I wasn't even near her last night."

"Where were you then?"

Bayne hesitated. We hadn't announced our relationship yet. I knew it was gossiped about, but it wasn't confirmed. My dad didn't know. He paid close attention to Bayne's words.

"That's none of your concern." Said Bayne.

"If you can't tell us, or prove where you were, I guess we'll have to take you under our custody."

"No! Wait! This is ridiculous. Bayne was with me!" I revealed to the room.

"Oh yeah? Where were you? What were you doing? Do you have proof?"

"We were in his room. We were.. Getting some much deserved privacy."

My dad looked at Bayne, waiting for him to speak. He seemed skeptical of my words.

"It's true. We were hooking up in my room. You happy?" He said.

"I still see no proof."

"No proof? The entire damn pack walked in on us! They came to get me when they found her body. I think that's enough proof for you!" Bayne talked back to them.

"We will talk to the other pack members. Until then, Bayne remains isolated from everyone. Don't want him going and giving them a story to tell."

"Are you kidding me? He's innocent!" I bellowed.

I was furious. How dare they claim Bayne would ever intentionally harm an innocent person, especially a member of his own pack. I wanted to fight them.

"Erin, it's alright. We have nothing to worry about."

For once, Bayne was calmer than I was. He was right. He didn't do it, so they would find nothing.

"Dawn, go with Mr.Greene, here. Make sure he doesn't leave your sight." The witch ordered. The vampire obeyed her. She commanded Bayne to follow her.

"Don't worry. Everything's fine. I'll see you later." Said Bayne, before he was taken away to be hidden in a room.

I stared back at my dad. He wasn't saying anything. He had looked at me, confused. I could practically see the questions running through his mind. I hadn't had to deal with anyone not accepting me, I feared he would be the first.

"Alright. Bring Hunter, Armstrong, Luan, and bring Sirius back up too. Leave, Erin, for now. And don't try anything funny." The witch read a list of names.

I did as she commanded, resisting every desire to back talk to them. I did not want to make Bayne's situation any harder than it had to be.

My anger didn't fade. I went back to the room, my blood boiling.

"What happened?" Nadine asked, seeing the practical steam coming from my ears.

"Bayne. They think that he killed her."

"What? But Bayne wouldn't."

"I know! He didn't! He was with me! We have to help him!"

"I agree. What can we do?" Nadine asked.

"I don't know. But they aren't taking him away from me."

"No. We won't let that happen."

They spent the rest of the rainy day calling wolves up to speak with them in small groups, then bombarding them with questions. I was still anxiously waiting with Nadine. I was more calm than before, but still upset enough to scream at them.

"Did you tell my dad?" I asked Nadine. We were sitting around our room, anxious for news.

"About what?"

"Me and Bayne."

"No, I didn't. It's not my place. I figured you'd tell him when you were ready."

"Well. It sort of got spilled that we were in his room last night getting it on when Adolpha was found."

"Oh my god, you were? Were you guys interrupted?"

"Oh, yeah. By the whole pack."

"Yikes, that must've been awkward." She breathed through her teeth.

"We weren't naked. We still had pants on. Bayne was pissed."

"Oh, I'm sure. I can't imagine being walked in on by thirty attractive people during sex. Well, maybe I can." She thought about it, I couldn't tell if she was joking.

The council decided to take a short break half way through interrogating the pack. My dad came in to see us. He looked tired. The bags under his eyes were more visible than usual.

"How's it going?" Nadine stood up to greet him.

"It's fine. Can you give me a minute to talk to my son, please?" He asked her.

She nodded and agreed before leaving us along together.

I was nervous. He didn't like Bayne after last year, he wanted me to stay away from him. I did the opposite of that. I ran towards that man.

"What's going on?" I said.

"I just wanted to talk to you.. You and Bayne? Are dating?" He asked.

I was not ready to deal with his opinions, but I had to be.

"Yes, dad. We are. I hope you're okay with that."

"Okay with?"

"Me. Being gay." I don't think I had ever said it out loud before. I didn't really have to.

"Son. I don't care who you love. Men, women, whoever else. That doesn't matter to me. But, why out of everyone in the pack, Bayne? It couldn't have been Romulus?"

My mind flash backed to when Romulus and I kissed. It was weird to think that happened now. It felt like a lifetime ago.

"I don't like anyone else. Bayne is different. He makes me feel like no one else has."

"Bayne is a suspected murderer."

"Bayne did not kill her! He would never do that. Ever."

"He's hurt people before, son."

"Terrible people! Murderers! Cannibals! Just because he didn't like Adopha, doesn't mean he would kill her! I was with him all night."

"Were you?" He said.

I replayed the events of last night in my mind. He was right. Before the rain started. I was looking for Bayne. No one could find him. I searched the entire lodge for him.

For a moment, I let myself wonder if my dad was right.

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