Serve 3

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3rd POV

As the bell of the school was heard, indicating that it's time for lunch. The teacher dismissed the class, and some hurriedly ran out of the room, some going to their friends. And some going to a certain someone, which is Akari.

"Kambe-san." The said girl turned her attention from packing her things to the girl that's beside her now fidgeting.


"Would you like to come eat with us?" She gestures to her friends at the table that's now looking her.

"I will humbly decline your offer because I am going to some places. Ask me another time." She then stood up with her things, patting the girl on the head. The now latter gave a fuse and quickly walked towards her friends who were teasing her.

"You're not going to eat lunch, Kambe-san?" She looked at the freckled boy. "O-Oh, I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi, by the way. This is Tsukki." He pointed at the megane that's reading quietly while eating.

"I will eat after I go to the third years floor to look for Kiyoko-san." She answered truthfully. Making the freckled boy and secretly, but not obvious, Tsukishima, intrigued.

"Applications? Do you plan on being our manager?!" He excitedly asks.

"I plan on wanting to apply as a coach or an assistant." That now intrigued Tsukishima more.

"Ha?" Tsukishima cut in, putting his headphones around his neck. "What would a spoiled brat contribute to the team? Certainly, you'll just order us around Brat-kun."

"T-Tsukki, don't be rude!"

"I treat people equally, Salty-shit-ma." The girl now walked out not before excusing herself from Yamaguchi, leaving them stunned. Luckily, Yamaguchi was the first to snap out of it.


"Urasai, Yamaguchi."

"Gomen Tsukki."

Akari's POV

When I made it to Kiyoko-senpai's class, I opened the door and looked around. Seemingly, someone noticed me and walked towards me.

"Do you need something?" She asked timidly face flushed. And now that she said that the whole room's attention was towards us.

"Is Kiyoko-senpai here?" Familiarity flashed through her eyes, then she nodded and walked towards who seemed to be Kiyoko-senpai.

As I was waiting, third year students looked at me in awe. Some even flushed when I caught them looking. After a minute of waiting, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking at the culprit, I saw a girl with a beauty mark near her lip.

"Are you Kiyoko-senpai?" She nodded, tucking a stray of hair behind her ear.

"I would like to ask if I could have a form to become an assistant coach in your team." I bowed, then I heard a giggle from her, causing me to look up at her for a second and look away, feeling my cheeks warm.

"Of course, I'll get them for you. After class meet me at the sports hall at gym 2." I nodded after having the form. I thanked her and walked back to class with Kuro.

I breathe out a sigh, folding my arms using it as a pillow.

"Eh? I thought you were going to eat after looking for Kiyoko-senpai. Don't tell me Brat-kun's a rebell?" Said a mocking voice behind me. I didn't bother looking up and breathing in and out.

"I fugoht my munch." Because my face was pressed against my forearm, my voiuce is muffled.

"You want us to share Kambe-san?" I looked up at Yamaguchi straight through his eyes, but I turned my gaze towards Tsukishima when he spoke up, not meeting our gaze and continuing to eat his strawberry short

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