Serve 19

818 27 1

THE REST OF the day had passed like a breeze, they had been playing COD for three hours or so up until they got hungry and decided to just end it with just watching TV. And if I didn't know any better the team will either be here any minute now, but thanks to Akari sometimes being forgetful she didn't thought about it until the doorbell of her front gate rang.

Akari frowned not wanting to stood up and looked at the other end of the couch where a pale skinned ravenette in her pyjamas is, busy with also watching what the twins are watching.

"Oi." Akari called catching her attention.


"You answer the door I don't want to stand up." Akari ordered, her crimson eyes piercing through the author's dark ones.

The girl scoffed at how the main character ill treated the author of this story. I mean how could she do that to the so lovable—

"but single af." Cutted Kai which made an irk mark appear on her forehead.

"I'm not."

"Sure.." The twins unision not totally convinced.

"I'm perfectly fine with being single but totally married to my 99+ husbandos~" The author says happily a flowery aura surrounding her.

"Husbandos where exactly are they?" Kai rose a brow looking at his sister.


"Husbandos that didn't exist."


"Husbandos that didn't even know you."


"And husbandos that will and never return your feelings back."






The twins looked at each other before turning their gaze at the seething girl infront of them and shaking their heads before turning to watch the match that's already starting.



She just stood up sulking while walking to the doorway of the living room where a monitor was attached.

She grumbled when the doorbell sounded again but she paid no attention to it and was still not getting why she was being treated this way. Did she do anything from her past life to get this sort of living?

The doorbell sounded again from it's third time— fourth time. She knew that either the first year duo or the second year duo did this sort of thing.

When she saw at the screen monitor made her confirm that it is the team.

"What are they doing here?"

Author shreak and jump ten meters away from Akari having been sensitive when she felt Akari's warm breath fan her neck and right ear.

"Why do you have to sneak up like that?!"

The tall bifauxnen ravenette rose a brow at the smaller ravenette. Either way she just shrug her off pressing the speaker of the monitor so she can speak to them.

"The gates are open, just close the gate on your way in, please?"

At the sudden voice made the four idiots jump away from the doorbell.

"I-is that A-Akari-san?!"


"How stupid could you four be?"

"Stut up Saltyshima!"

"Yeah shut up!"

Akari sigh out from her nose. Before the second years could even lay a hand on Tsukishima she spoke stopping them.

"Guys just come in already, I already said the gates open you can just leave your shoes at the front porch."

The team did what was said and Daichi being the last to come in closed the gate behind him. When he closed up the gate he questioned why the team was suddenly quiet.

The question soon was answered when he turned around, he's clearly surprised to see a large house infront of him.

I mean did the large wall and gates behind them spoke that, the house— mansion screamed richness.

"Damn she rich."

"You can say that again."

"Shut your mouths wouldn't want flies to come in."

"Why you!—"

The person who is actually Nishinoya immediately stopped talking at the large weight crushing him making him groaned in pain.




The team blinked. Did Kuro just meowed?

Then they saw another black and white fur but this time instead of a dog they got face to face with Aku. (Remember him? From chapter 11) All of them blink but shrug nonetheless and took off their shoes at the front porch.

There waiting for them was a messy ponytailed ravenette in her pyjamas looking at them.

"Uhmm... who might you be?" Daichi was the first to asked. To which the girl only stepped aside and disappeared into thin air making the rest shiver.

"Is there any ghost here?" Nishinoya asked the team.

"Don't mind her she's just a passerby."

("Why do you make it seem like I'm a ghost ಥ‿ಥ")

They all jumped in shock some even shreak— Ahem Tanaka, Noya ehem— but stopped once they come face to face with Akari who's now at the door.

She let them in, not minding the shreak. Thankfully they did as that almost all their jaws drop to the floor at the luxurious and clean while marble floors. They're almost conscious of their feet thinking they might dirty it.

Akari lead them towards the living room where Kai was playing their previous game.

"Help yourselves." Akari suddenly said they nodded hesitant.

"Do you want to have some snacks?"

Some nodded and some immediately refuse saying that they were just there to visit her and see if she's alright.

"It's fine.. But I do wanted to teach you some new techniques." She trailed off looking at them and walking to the hallway. After a moment she then appeared with a jug of juice and some pastries.

Tsukishima immediately but not noticeably perked up when he saw his favorite pastry at the tray Akari just set down at the coffe table.

"What is it Akari-san?" Sugawara asked when she gave him a glass of juice.

Akari licked her lip handing a strawberry shortcake to Tsukishima, knowing the male wanted this and also some juice to him. "Well, I asked this from my team if they were alright of me giving them one or two of our own example of the attacking techniques I will be showing you."

Ennoshita almost spilled his juice at the revelation he just heard and looked at Akari with widened eyes.

"Y-You asked your teammates about one of your attacking techniques?!" He shreak Akari blinked furrowed her brows.

"Is it not alright?"

"N-No it's f-fine but isn't those attacking techniques of yours hard?!"

"It is, so you all must do great while I am teaching you one of the first attacking techniques we did."

"But those are your attacking techniques!"

"It's alright some teams that we are teaching already perfected it so no harm done."

Phoenix of the Court || Various x OC (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now