Serve 5

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I was pulled out of my nose wiping when immediately my phone rang. Whipping it out of my pocket, I answered it swiftly.

Knowing there's a questioning gaze boring themselves into the back of my head.

"He—" I was suddenly cut off rudely by finishing my greeting.



By now, there is approximately lots of curious gaze thrown my way because of their idly loud voices.

My brother was about to start his sentence when the coach suddenly shouted,

"GET BACK TO PRACTICE." I flinched slightly because of how loud she was but made no comment.



"And why did you suddenly yelled 'get back to practice.'"

My attention was once again on my phone. I huff tapping my phone patiently for them to finish their questioning. But it appears that they didn't know that they were on a call.

"Yeah, Akari-chan practice didn't start before training camp."

"Stupid Hinata boke, of course she knows that!"

"You don't have to yell, Bakageyama!"

"What did you just say?!"

I just rudely pressed the end botton before looking up at the boys who are already practising.

"My name is Akari." I said to the coach, which caused her to look at me smiling.

"Aida Riko, their coach. I suppose you're the better twin?" I smirked, knowing that that perked the other's attention.

"Yes, but they say I'm not the warmest person there is." I said.

"Really?" I nodded, which caused her to sweat drop.

"Can I join their practice?" I then cast a gaze towards those who are practising noticing how high thr red haired giant jumped.

"Huh? Do you even have appropriate attire?"

"Yes. I brought them when going here."

"Su—" She was cut off by the familiar squealing of girls that made my eyes twitch.

That seems to stop the others and cast their attention towards the door.

"Tch." Clicking my tounge when I saw a vibrant of blond hair in the middle of those squealing guinea pigs.

"Ah Kurokocchi." He called and wandered his gaze more before landing on mine and my brother's.

"Karicchi, Kaicchi!" He yelled happily, running and lunging toward me, but I side stepped him, causing him to land on my brother and both meeting the ground, which cast me a dejected face.

I simply shrug, kicking both their sides.

"Ouch! Don't you miss me, Karicchi!?" I cast him my sharp gaze, which made him flinch.

I sighed and breathed out a "No."

That caused him to have an imaginary arrow pierced through his heart.

"Either way I miss you or not, why are you at Seirin. Clearly, you didn't stepped on this school if you're in Kaijo." I straight forwardly ask. Which straighten him.

"Ahh. I'm curious." He rubbed the back of his neck and then cast a glance at Kuroko, same with Kai and me.

"I want to take Kurokocchi on my team." The latter gave him a blank stare.

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