Serve 27

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AKARI WALKED ALONE the cold night as she listens to the music of crickets chirping through the silent night. Humming as she goes where the person she knew could help her to her problem.

Although she just got out of the shower the freezing wind that was softly swaying past her, she wasn't and didn't even bother putting on a jacket when she got out of the building as she just wanted to take a fresh breathe of air and wonder other things.

As she walked passed by gym 2 she was greeted by the sound of balls being hit and shoes skidding through the floors. She stopped on her tracks, brushing a hand through her still half wet hair as she walked inside.

There she was greeted by two cats and two owls doing their own individual practice. Her crimson eyes clashing with brown ones that she's been looking for.

"Ah, pleasant surprise to see you here little phoenix.." The cockatoo styled hair male says acknowledging the female's presence that made the three other males also look.

"Kanbe-san, good evening."

"HEY HEY HEY Baby owl!"

Blushing slightly at the nickname Bokuto had given her she acknowledge both of them with a nod. She turned her head to Kuroo whom was busy training the Half Russian boy how to 'recieve.' Which was unfortunately was now slumped on the wooden floorboards lying in his own sweat and tears.

"Ah.." Akari sweatdropped which was caught on by Kuroo who look at her. "Are you busy right now Kuroo?"

Hearing the question, two particular males wondered if they were now witnessing the worst. And it even made their stomach churn in a bad way.

"Oya? Is Little phoenix gonna ask me on a—"




"URASAI" The blushing male yelled at his laughing bro.

"I was here to actually ask you a favor."


Even though it's hard for her to ask help she swallowed thickly and look at the other side.

"Can you teach Tsukki how to block? And maybe make him be inspired more?"

"Sure.." Kuroo nodded doing his famous pose that made him look like a 4 month old pregnant woman.


"I mean sure why not? I'm gonna do everything I can, so yours and our team will do that famous dumpster showdown our teams' always done happened again." Kuroo smirk as he pat Akari's head to which made the two owls jealous.

"Arigato." Akari sighed giving a small smile. "Speaking of which here he goes."

"Oh hey, you, Karasuno!" Kuroo exclaimed trying to get the blonde's attention. "You with the glasses!"

At that Tsukishima stopped walking and looked at where Bokuto and Kuroo are which was at the doorway of the gym.

"Can you jump for a few blocks for us?" he then beacons him to them.

Akari watch them with Akaashi by her side, as the three stare down at each other in silence.

"Actually, I'm done for the night" Tsukishima said as he then bows. "If you'll excuse me."

"NANI?!" Kuroo and Bokuto unison.

Then suddenly Bokuto leaned his elbow to the doorway.

"It's meaningless to practice spiking without blockers." The owl explained "I beg you!"

Then Tsukishima stood straight "Why does it have to be me?"

'And why did I see my brother in him when he's having a tantrum when he didn't want to do something grandma says?' Akari asked herself.

"Why not someone from Fukurodani?"

Then Akaashi stepped in backing up both Kuroo and Bokuto.

"Bokuto-san's spike practice is endless so they all hurry up and leave to escape from it."

'That reminds me so much of Uriel.' Akari sweatdropped as she remembers the many times she was in the way of the crossfire of the middleblocker's begging with their official setter, Loki.

"And I'm busy training this guy over here." Kuroo points a thumb to a still laying flat on his stomach Lev.

"I'm saying I'll jump all those blocks!" The silver haired male yelled.

"URASAI." His captain yelled back. "If you want to continue as a regular on Nekoma's team, you need to actually be able to receive the ball!"

Meanwhile Tsukishima just looked at them with a deadpanned expression.

"He may not look like it," He started. " But this guy is one of the five best spikers in the nation, so I think he'd be a great practice for you."

This made Bokuto puff his chest up with pride as he crossed his arms.

"He probably just misses being in the top three." Akaashi says bringing down Bokuto, to which made the girl from the background choke on her spit.

"Don't mind."

"Don't raise me up just to let me get knocked down!"

"Besides, if you're a middle blocker. Shouldn't you practice a little bit more?"

This made an irk mark grow on the blonde megane's forehead as he robotically walked inside the gym, passing by the three older males as Bokuto gave a thumbs up to Kuroo for making him agree.

Akari sighed through her nose being thankful that the male was prideful and was easily provoke.

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