Serve 14

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AS AKARI ARRIVED at the given address Kise gave her she waved the driver goodbye and opened the car door closing it behind Kuro. Akari sigh adjusting her mask while looking around for the blonde basketball player.

"Akaricchi!" She heard a voice call her before a force knocked her breath away. She blushed crimson and awkwardly patted Kise's back.

"" By the sound of her struggling Kise immediately let go of her and smile at her widely.

"I'm so glad you could make it in time Akaricchi!"

"Of course now let's go." She step back from the blonde and indicated him to take the lead, sure enough after a pregnant moment Kise finally understand and groped Akari's wrist.

Akari not much into skin contacts with other people blushed furiously the tsundere side of her already showing.

When they got inside they separate ways and got a change outfit with the help of the staffs, make-up artist and hair artists.

(don't judge me I'm not much into femenine things like doing make up or hairstyles I only know bun, ponytail and pigtails I don't even know why make-up have different brushes and thingamajigs.)

When I got out of the room I was ushered to the photoshoot where Kise was there waiting with a guy with brunette hair and chocolate eyes.


I went towards them my gaze still looked into chocolate once but once I was close enough I broke eye contact by blinking and looking at Kise.

Our photoshoot was themed as summer so I am wearing a deep V-neck pastel colored dress that goes just a few inch below my knee and 4-5inch high heels.

While Kise wore a white button up shirt with shorts pairing it with just slippers. The same is with Oikawa but his striped white and pastel green is opened revealing a black tanktop.

"Akaricchi this is Oikawa Tooru he's doing a photoshoot with us." Kise happily said which I nodded. (A/N: I know Miyagi is kinda far from Tokyo so just bear with me cuz I can't find a way to make this two cross paths with each other)

(Edit: 2 years later, in fact I know but still has writer's block, like i know what scenario may happen and like i already have their script written in my head it's just the problem is how i can discribe it without sounding a bit rush and awkward).

"Yahoo~ You must be Akari." He smiled.

What a charming smile he has. Akari thought. Last time I saw him he was a monster in the court, not to mention he's a good setter too.

"Nice to meet the Grand King Oikawa Tooru that Kageyama has been talking about" Akari purposely said the name of Kageyama and of course recognition crosses Oikawa's eyes.

"Ara ara~ The Phoenix know my little kouhai Tobio-chan~"

"Precise. I'm their assistant coach after all."

That made Oikawa shook to be atleast but regained his composure. As he was about to open his mouth the camera man called them in for a photoshoot so they reluctantly nodded and do as the photographer says.

"Kise stood.." And the shoot goes on.

»Fast forward brought to you by Kuro's big ass simp towards Sugawara«

When the photoshoot is over they all packed it up wearing their own casual clothes that we wore when we got here. As Akari was waiting for both Oikawa and Kise to finish clothing themselves. Kise's phone vibrates which caused her to look at his phone's lockscreen.

Phoenix of the Court || Various x OC (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now