Serve 28

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I watched as Bokuto run for the volleyball that Akaashi set, giving all his strength to spike the ball as Tsukki blocked it with his hand making the ball change course to Tsukki's side of the court.

"One more!" Bokuto says to Akaashi as they again prepare for another set.

Again Tsukki prepare to block it but it again, failed to be blocked. I sighed in amusement as I compare both their bodies.

'watching Bokuto's powerful spike be blocked by Tsukki's stick like arms makes me want to be concerned a bit if it's still intact or not.' I internally said to myself as I watch them go through that again with several spikes.

I huff and looked at Kuroo who's now having an irk mark by looking at their first year middle blocker whom was again slumped and unmoving in his own sweat.

"Is he dead?" I asked loudly which made him shrugged and stand beside me as he also watched the other three. While I just looked at Lev if he was still alive.

I must've been looking at Lev too long because I missed out that Kuroo who was beside me watching was now walking towards the three asking for another block.

"Oi little phoenix!"

I blinked and looked up at where Kuroo's voice came from. Looking at him stoically as I waited for him to say something.


"Are you gonna join us?" Kuroo asked as the other three who's been up and going all night also looked at me. Bokuto however was giving me his big owl eyes that made me squint my eyes.

I huff giving in as I walked towards them going in between Kuroo and Tsukki.

We looked at Bokuto who's holding the ball.

"Here we go!" He then throw it to Akaashi whom set it to him high enough for him to hit.

We then prepare ourselves as we see him ran for the ball. I also heard Kuroo speak just for the three of us to hear.

"Specs, make sure to keep that straight in check."

I watch both of them from my peripheral to see their reaction. But all I see is Kuroo's usual smirk and Tsukki's focused face(?)

Then we jumped as Bokuto was in the air preparing for the ball to be right at his face.

I then saw him look at the corner where I knew was free. I knew Kuroo could also see then as he propelled his arms to block that in the last second.

"Yeah!" I smirked, amuse at Kuroo as he provoke Bokuto with his usual smirk.

"Damn it!"

I then looked at Tsukki who's mouth was agape, I then bumped my shoulder with his so he can snap out of it.

"Specs, you have a good reading on things but you know," Even though my face remain stoic I still I hide my amusement as I knew what Bokuto was about to say to the blonde megane. "Your blocks are pretty weak."

And I could already imagine in the background was lightnings struck as Tsukki's face become like he's constipated.

"I get worried that I might break your arm into two or something." Bokuto continues as I still see Tsukki's face and wondered if he's still okay. "You gotta rush in and stop it. Rush in!"

Phoenix of the Court || Various x OC (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now