Serve 18

1K 29 15

"ARE YOU SURE you are okay?"

Akari nodded at the nth time loving and also hating the way they were babying her. It's not that she hate that they are worried at her well-being and all but she just hate the way that her twin was treating her like an infant that's just born a day ago.

"You sure?" Her twin ask looking between Akari and her shoulder that was casted. "Because I think that hurt like a bitch."

"For the last time Kai I'm fine." She said hissing the last word in her sentence.

Kai shrugged walking quietly beside her sister around Miyagi. After the incident regarding his sister's sprained on her shoulder, he came to her as soon as their training camp was done. Luckily for the twins the news of the sprained shoulder was still haven't heard of by their father and aunt Suzue.

If ever though both will have a bodyguard attached to Akari everywhere she goes. Good thing was that Akari lived in Miyagi while her father, Suzue and twin lived at Tokyo.

Why you may ask?

Well Akari told her father that she can handle herself by living alone, this was before she took her test to go to training camp. After some begging, puppy eyes and some pouting both Suzue and Daisuke agreed.

Daisuke bought her a two story modern house that was just a 10 minute walk away from Karasuno.

She lived with a maid and a butler, most of the time she gave them a thrice a week leave so those times she is either by herself cooking for herself and Kuro, cleaning the whole house or going outside for practice or just walking/jogging around wi...

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She lived with a maid and a butler, most of the time she gave them a thrice a week leave so those times she is either by herself cooking for herself and Kuro, cleaning the whole house or going outside for practice or just walking/jogging around with Kuro.

"How's Riko-senpai's training for you guys?" At the mention of Riko's name made Kai shiver.

"Hell." Kai murmured thinking back at how cruel she can that she made him stand on a tub full of ice.

Akari just smirked amused at her twin's misfortune. Humming to herself she stood up walking to the other side of the living room where a wall full of books were built in.

She scan the titles looking for something different than the other book that she'd read a while ago from training camp. When she saw one she took it from the shelf and walked back from where she previously sat on.

Silence envelopes the twins the only sounds that could be heard are turning of pages, the TV, and lastly Kuro and Aku's roughhousing and playful growls from wherever they are at the house.

"Hey sis?"


"I meet Midorima at training camp."


"He's still a tsudere."

Kai smirked looking at Akari from the corner of his eyes before adding a mumble that sounded like "like you"

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