Serve 24

389 13 1

HOW HE REGRETS forgetting what day it was. And how he knew that he started that gamble with his sister was because he knew when her PMS will start. Don't get weirded out or anything, but Kai knew that his sister easily caves in when it involves chocolates when she's in her vulnerable state of pain.

Of course Akari caves in whenever it involves chocolates when she's not IN that situation but she didn't caves in within a second, no. She caves in when SHE's satisfied enough for every or how tasty the chocolate you gave her.

"Would you like to reply, Master Kai." HEUSC's voice asked. Well more like command.

"N-no.... Ahem... No, but can you please research on what pastry shop sells the tastiest japanese cakes and where?"


"HEUSC, you there?"

"Yes Master Kai, and word of advice from Master Daisuke is as to not provoke Lady Akari while in her month of visiting pain."

"Geez, have some faith dad.." He mumbled while pouting.

". . . . Research finished, your request to find the pastry shop that sells the tastiest japanese cakes is in [ Insert address ] named as [ Random shop name .]"

"Alright thank you HEUSC."

"Is that all Master Kai?"

"Yes that's all for the time being."

Kai then changed his clothes and head to his own bike at the garage. He fished out his keys from the key holder and walked straight to his bike after wearing his safety helmet on. He put the key in ignition and drove off as the garage doors fully opened.





While the older twin was on the quest on finding Japanese cakes, Akari however was showing them how to perfect the synchronized attack that she showed them a week ago. While also keeping track on Kageyama, who's in gym 2 improving his own setting skills.

She remembered that the male timidly walked to where she was with Ukai and asked for help in wanting to improve more of his setting abilities.

"Coach." The ravenette first year called getting the attention of the old blond male.


"You are training Hinata improve, right?" He asked to which made the blond male taken aback and the ravenette female know where this conversation was headed through.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"If you say you wanting to improve while your own spiker is also in training then I know right away what is it your going to ask." She cut in making the male flinched and blush at the moment he heared her voice.


Both coaches' gaze turn to each other, and as if already having the same thought they nodded at the same time. Akari giving the male coach a look that says 'Don't worry I'll put him into place' to which made him gaze at her horrified thinking that he probably made a mistake on putting his player in the hands of the red eyed female that now look like the devil herself.


Akari was brought out of her daydreaming when the said male was now agitated for not doing the set right. This made her sigh reaching to her side but was met by air when she can't grasp anything. She frowned, remembering that Kuro was at the vet because of his previous actions by being non-active to which she was weirded out knowing Kuro's an energetic dog and a young five year old dog at that.

"Calm down, try to breath in and out. You might tire yourself out." She says after she tosses another ball at him, to which made the male only do it more.


Akari could only sigh at the male and just decided to stay quiet until he tire himself up. And not even 20 minutes later he was now sprawled like a star fish on the gym floors swimming in his own sweat while panting.

She sighed walking to the bench where Kageyama's water bottle and towel is before giving it to him once he sit up.

"Let's take a break now shall we? And after 10 minute break let's continue again." Akari  offered to which he just nods not having enough oxygen to speak.

While waiting for him to take a breathe, Akari received a message making both look at the phone. She took it out of her pocket and looked through her recent messages.

Rose's Boyf(Army)

[ 2: 45 PM ]

Rose's Boyf:
Akari, Rose won't
pay attention to me
and all she talk about
is your humanoid tangerine

Akari rolled her eyes and smirked wanting to tease the male just for today because of how she misses him dearly. And also payback for not saying sooner that they're having a vacation in japan for three weeks.

Favorite Phoenix:
Good for you.

Rose's Boyf:


Favorite Phoenix:
I have taken a new
liking on our team's
what you call
'humanoid tangerine.'

Now, what is it that
you wanted to
talk about.

I do not tolerate those
who lie to me Armani,
tell me now.

Rose's Boyf:
Akari we know that
you and capt aren't
on best terms right

And knew the cause
of it but I just wanted
to tell you that
whatever it is that's
in your mind.

You can always tell me,
Rose, Aurolet, or even
Silas! We are here for
you like you're there
for us when we're
in need! 😊🥰

Favorite Phoenix:
Thank you for your
concern Army.

But I'll be fine. We
both know that Owen
is the one at fault and
still to this day on
does not want to
admit it and always
at his superior's

Akari then exit the messaging app closing her phone in the process. She stood up facing Kageyama who's now a bit and extending a hand to him to grasp.

"C'mon let's practice some more so you can achieve the set."

The male nodded and took her hand going to the front of the set waiting for the ball that Akari threw.

He took a deep breath. He heard the swish of the ball as it soar towards him as he readied his stance to set. It's like in slow motion the ball got to his line of sight as it slowly descend down to his hands making contact. He let it stays for a second or two before exhaling along with setting the ball in the air as it sauntered up with an angle stopping at its peak and descending down to the bottle that Kageyama wanting to keep hitting.

It's all silent to both of them until he grinned and looked to Akari who has a smile gracing her face.

"Good. You have done it." She phrase the male which made him blush.


"Again I presume?" Akari asked with a knowing look which made the male nod not having the thought of putting his tounge to use if it keep stuttering just by the female's phrase.

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