Serve 15

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ONCE THE FINAL practice match was over at basketball team. Some players converst with each other while some drank from their water bottle and get some permitted rest from the coaches.

From the looks of it whenever the basketball teams have a timeout her gaze will now skip towards wherenthe volleyball practice match was still commencing. Akari was impressed at how Itachimiya's ace spiking form. She gotta admit to herself she might or might not do that wrist thing.

Of course she is not biased with teams right now. She admits to herself all the players are very talented from their own occurred. The way the middle blocker named Suna Rintarou's body can shift mid-air when blocking. How the Miya twins' combo are accurate. Every player she saw play were now engraved to her mind like bubble gum stuck to your hair.

When Kise came trotting toward Akari sweating like crazy the latter decided to give him a water bottle without looking at him and keep her observing eyes at the volleyball side if the gym. This action made Kise curious as to why this got the attention of the young Kambe but when he saw how her eyes held some pink colours onto it and her constant mumbling made him winced.

Oh how he was lucky her eyes are not looking at him right now. He thought and felt a little sympathy towards the players.

"....left set 67% spike success 24%." He heard her mumble out so he quickly looked at where her gaze is and saw blonde haired male set towards the left side where another lookalike but gray haired male jumped towards the ball only to be blocked by their opponents' blockers earning a point to them.

Just like some GoM Akari also possesses this kind of skill. Except hers she has all the skills of the GoM but more powerful. Even if her twin didn't get through the zone he still have accurate skills like hers. Akari, even though studied at a different country was deemed part of the GoM by being their coach. Of course no one knows this except the GoM, herself and Teiko. She was named 'The Empress.' She still liked the name Phoenix though because it complements her eyes when she stepped into the court you could see fire burning in the deeps of those eyes.

Yes, it was painful to hear that just by a couple months prior the rest of the GoM was sent apart having all of them split before starting their first year of high school.

"Jump serve 54%... receive 15%"


Akari snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Kise abruptly making the latter flinch and how he wish he would just face Akashi's eyes than hers because she makes their punishment make you throw up and not sleep for days by how painful your body became.

Akari notices Kasamatsu wince from the corner of her eyes, seeing her eyes now bright pink that you can almost see white. This caught the attention of the ravenette and turned her gaze to the captain making him stand up straight.

"Is everything alright Kasamatsu-senpai?" She asked her eyes not wavering and studied him for any injuries.

For Kasamatsu it looked like she's studying him like how a pack of wolves stalk their pray and pushes them into their own trap.

"Y-Yeah, just a little exhausted and sore."

"Do you want me to call and schedule you a spa?"

"W-What?! N-No j-just a little rest and I'll be alright."

"Feel free to call me and I'll have it scheduled right away."

"T-T-There's no need for that Kambe-san."

"Please feel free to call me Akari."

"Y-yes of course Akari-san."


Phoenix of the Court || Various x OC (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now