Serve 10

1.9K 62 3

WHEN WE ARRIVED at the training camp most managers and teams are now awake. I left Kuroo at the entrance of the cafeteria and walked to the kitchen where they all are.

"Morning." I grin liking the way all of them jumped when they heard my voice.

"Akari-chan!" Yachi smiled.

"Wow Akari-san's so damn hot." Kaori whistled which I winked at her and walk to where Yachi is making waffles.

"Can I help?"

Kuro stood on his hind legs and barked happily at the food he smelled. I pet him on the head and looked at Yachi-san.

"Sure, go wash your hands, clean these strawberries and blackberries." I nodded and do as she says before tying the apron around my waist getting a knife and a cutting board. The strawberries that are in the bowl was separately put in another one when I took out the stem.

Once I finish the strawberries I cut them parallel and putting the cut ones in the clean bowl. I did this until I got no strawberries left to slice and decided clean the blackberries and put it beneath the faucet washing away the remaining dirt or insects.

"Anything I can help with?" I said feeling restless.

"You already finished Akari-chan?" Kiyoko asked I nodded rocking at the balls of my feet.

Then a sudden presence barge in the kitchen I looked up and scowled at him not liking him in here where I'm almost at the brink of getting killed by spying on father and aunt Suzue.

"Oh no you aren't!" Kai said walking towards me and throwing me over his shoulder. I sighed feeling blood rushing to my head. "Last time you got in the kitchen you nearly poisoned dad by eating your homemade cake."

I glared at my twin (well not quite in his face but his ass) but the sudden pinch of pain in my rear told me he felt it. Good for him.

"P-Poisoned?" Yachi-san said but I can't see her face because all I see is that I'm taking in the wonders and sights of Floor and Dust City.

"I did not. It was just one mistake!"

"One mistake but it's still there."

"I hate you."

"I love you sis, but I love to keep my police record and not get food poisoning people here in training camp." Kai interject and walked to the door saying bye on the way out and meeting the sounds if the rest of the teams talking.

"Uhm.. Why is Akari-chan being treated like a potato sack." I heard someone say.

I blinked looking up but all I see is the floor and Kuro. I think I'm going to be sick. Both with my brother at how he's holding me and with how I easily get sick by just my position.

Oh how I love my brother that sometimes I wish I was the only child.

(I mean she's not wrong I wish me too with my sister¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

"Nothing to see here people! I'm just saving you guys from her food poisoning."

Son of a-


I felt Kai stiffen a little at the familiar voice but I on the other hand did not pay attention to that. My only attention was to swallow the bile that's threatening to spill out of my mouth for all the blood that's pumping through my head.

"Oi! Kambe-san, we have practice game today didn't you remember?!"

"I forgot about that."

"You forgot about practice game? Oh, I'm telling couch."

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