Serve 29

234 13 1

Shiratorizawa's Ushijima to Oikawa: "You should've come to Shiratorizawa.

Karasuno's version by Tanaka to Yamamoto: (LMAO HAHAHAHA I CAN'T—)


Akari woke up early in the morning, frowning to herself as she can't help but sweep her gaze around the room for anything that might seem strange. To her luck and outmost annoyance, she got out of the covers and left the room. Careful not to step on the other managers and to not make a sound that could disturb their sleep.

She also remind herself to carry her phone out with her as she put on their club jacket and shoes.

As she walk towards the exit of the building she first got to the vending machine and clicked the chocolate option four times. Then after that she headed outside. [ Who here wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night just to eat sweets or just food? ]

The coldness of the night was the first to greet her with the passing cars ever so often in the silent night. Akari thought deeply on what's the nagging feeling inside her is that woke her up, but still couldn't know what it is.

'is it Kai? I know I've felt this whenever he's having problems sleeping or sometimes overthinking things.' She thought gazing up in the sky as she subconsciously grasp her necklace that was given to her by their late mother while also opening the chocolate's wrapper and bitting it. ' it might be the problem but.. it wouldn't hurt calling him.'

As she was in her inner monologue that she didn't notice that she'd subconsciously contacted her brother and that she was when she noticed it when she heard his voice sounding panicky and breathless.


Akari breath out for a moment, puff of cold air forming as she did so. And walk to where a bench was, setting her chocolates that weren't open yet beside her.

". . ."

"Hello? Whoever you are who's calling I'm quite busy right n—" She stopped her brother from saying anything more.

"It's me." On the other side of the call you could hear shuffling as he was woken up all of the sudden.

"Imouto-chan. . .?!" It's clear that from the way he said that his voice broke, he clears his throat. "What do you need? Is something wrong? Do you want someone to pick you up? I can do that for you.."

"No, don't worry about me." She sighed running a hand through her hair. "I just. . . Is everything alright there?"

"Huh...?" Came his reply.

"It's just, I suddenly woke up about ten to fifteen minutes ago with this nagging feeling like... Something's wrong. So I came to check up on you, and Kuro of course." Every word that came from her mouth became quieter and quieter, but Kai could still hear her knowing that she's been a tsundere ever since they were children.

The male on the other side of the call was silent. He knows his sister's gut feeling was always correct and you can never lie to her  if you wanted to or even if you're an expert of lying through a straight face to her, she'll suspect you until she knows she's right.

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