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"I want pancakes from iHop! Are you coming, Riley?" I called.

"Just let me get dressed, Alex. Sheesh. Rip my fucking head off why dontchya?" she said sarcastically.

"Just for that, you're paying for it," I told her with a smirk.

"Whatever!" she yelled back, slamming her bedroom door.

* * *

Ten minutes later we were driving down the road when my absolute favorite song came on, A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri.

I started singing and Riley looked at me with awe in her eyes.

"Dude, I'm not that good at singing," I told her, turning down the radio.

She gave me a look, then said, "You're right you aren't that good. You're fucking amazing!"

We started laughing as we pulled into the parking lot. As we walked up to the doors, a car pulled right in front of us. Two guys were inside and they were freaking gorgeous.

They noticed we were staring at them and we blushed and looked away. I grabbed Riley's hand and pulled her into the restaurant to look for a table.

We found a table and sat down, shortly after, a waiter came out and took our orders.

"What can I get you, pretty ladies?" He asked. He was kinda cute with blonde curls and green eyes. His nametag read Josh in big bold letters.

"Can we have five pancakes? Each. With an orange juice and coffee, and two waters, please?" Riley placed our order.

"Sure thing. Anything else?" he asked, looking a little dazed at the amount of food we ordered.


"Okay. Your food will be out in a little bit," he said with a white-toothed smile.

The guys we saw earlier sat down a few booths away.

"Who do think is cuter?" Riley asked, trying to get a good look at them over my head.

I looked over. There was a blond haired guy with brown eyes. He was currently talking to his friend who had black hair and blue eyes.

"They guy with the black hair," I said. Hey. I'm one to speak my mind. I have no filter, and if I do its very, very small.

"I like the blondie. He's freaking gorgeous!" she said in a sing-song voice.

At that moment, the guys burst into laughter. We looked at each other then looked up. Our drinks had arrived. We were drinking the drinks when the food came out.

"My boyfriend is here, finally!!" I said when the waiter put my food in front of me. Riley busted out laughing. I heard a growl from the two guys and turned to look at them. They both looked extremely angry. I looked aver at Riley to see if she heard, and she was staring at them too. We looked at each other and shrugged.

We ate our food and talked about life and how big Mary's butt is before paying the bill and leaving.

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