Captured.. Again

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Alex's P.O.V

I had to stop at the gas station to get some food and go to the bathroom, so when I pulled in I looked behind me and didn't see the Lamborghini. I checked the gas monitor and saw that it was about mid-tank, so I could drive for another couple hours.

Getting out, Riley and I went inside and got some snacks, both of us used the bathroom. We paid for our stuff then went to the car. I guess we were too busy laughing at each other to notice the car. Or the people.

"Alex? Is that you?" I heard a familiar voice. A voice that brought back terrible memories. A voice that haunts my dreams, and not in a good way. Derek.

I stiffened and felt Riley start to pull me to the car. Just as I was pulling the driver's door open a hand landed on my shoulder and I automatically flinched away from his touch. Taking a deep breath I turned around saw Derek standing there with a smile on his face. Like he didn't hit me for months. Like he didn't sexually abuse me for weeks. Like he didn't rape me for days. Like he didn't get me pregnant.

"Hey, I haven't seen you in awhile. What's up?" he asked.

I scoffed. "I know you haven't seen me. I didn't want to talk to you and I definitely didn't want to see you. So, don't touch me ever again, and don't ever, ever, talk to me." I told him, trying to sound brave when I only sound like a scared little girl.

His eyes burned in anger, then triumph. "Sounds like you're scared of me... Or you just want me bad. I think it's a little bit of both, though." He said, taking small steps forward. Causing me to take big steps back... Well, only two. That's how close to the car I was.

"Hey, jackass! Get off of her! If I ever see that you touch her, I will take a rusted and blunt knife to your balls and slowly cut them off. When I finish that, I will feed them to you and if you don't take them, I will shove them so far down your throat your great grandkids would be eating them. And I wold do all of that with a smile on my face. So back. The fuck. Off." Riley told him.

You could see the fear in his eyes turn to anger. I turned and looked past her and saw Sawyer coming up behind her. "You touch her, you die," I told him. I had already gone through a lot of threats with him and fulfilled almost all of them, so he was a little scared.

He was just backing away, dropping the knife in his hand, when a flash of green caught my eye. I looked at Riley and saw that she could see what kind of car it was. She nodded at me and I hung my head.

Not now! Please, this is just too much to deal with, I thought helplessly. We heard doors close and footsteps heading this way. Suddenly I realized that I had been ignoring Derek, and he was getting upset. He raised his hand and slapped me across the face.

My head snapped to the side and I cried out in pain.

"That's it, Asshole!!" Suddenly, Riley had jumped over the hood of the car and was on Derek, punching him with all her might.

"You stupid! Little! FUCKER!" she yelled. I pulled her off of him. She was panting and he looked like he had a broken nose, with a split lip and a black eye. "I swear to fucking GOD! Don't ever touch her! Or it will be the last thing you ever do," she told him. He just glared and nodded, holding his jaw, while Sawyer helped him up.

"Goodbye Derek, go fuck a slut," I told him, before shoving Riley in the car. She didn't know that he cheated on me. Well she did, but now wasn't the time for her to get angry. Or angrier. Getting in I leaned down and grabbed the cables, just before my door was ripped open, and I was yanked out of the car.

Thinking it was Derek, I turned around with my fist ready and aimed his face, but stopped when I saw somebody else. Then I remembered what he did, I put my fist down like I wasn't going to hit him, then brought it back up so fast he didn't have time to dodge it.

I heard a crack then I saw Riley. She was laughing so hard, Jason could barely hold on to her, and when she saw me looking she pumped her fist in the air and yelled: "Go, Alex!"

"I am Fantabulous!" I yelled. She just laughed harder and I busted up laughing. I didn't realize the guys were talking to each other and had decided on something until I felt myself being put in a car.

"Hahaha- Hey! What do you think you're doing? You can't take me! This is kinda- oh never mind. You don't care," I said.

"Honey, I do care. That's why I'm doing this." His voice sent shivers down my spine, and not out of fear.

"Then why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you kidnap me and Riley?"

He sighed, "I can't tell you yet."



"Because is not an answer."

"It is if you're me."


"Because I said so."

"Why be-"

"Enough! I cannot and will not tell you right now!" He said, exasperated.

"Well then, grumpy pants," I mumbled.

He smiled, "Did you just call me grumpy pants?"

"Yes. Yes, I did." I said in a Phineas' voice. Just like he says 'Yes. Yes, we are.' in Phineas and Ferb, when everyone asks about their age.

He snorted, but didn't say anything. I just pulled the hood up on the sweatshirt and fell asleep. Letting the darkness consume me and make everything go away for a little while.


Ta-da!! I updated! How do you like it? Who likes Phineas and Ferb? I think this is a very funny chapter, but I can't be a hundred percent sure. I am sure this is one of my finer chapters in this book. I went over and fixed my mistakes, so it should be a little less confusing.

So have fun, I shall update as soon as I can.

And this chapter is dedicated to DarkAngel1027, for being an awesome friend.



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