Explanations pt. 1

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Damon's P.O.V.

"Holy shit! Is she ok? What's wrong? Why did she pass out? Where is the pack doctor? Why is he not here?" I asked, freaking out. Riley gave me a look after I said pack doctor, but kept calm.

"She's fine. She just gets really tired sometimes and passes out. She is kinda like that when she drinks too. She can drink as much as possible but purges afterward. She's OK, it's only when she starts whimpering and freaking out in her sleep that I need to wake her up," Riley told me calmly. "Now, what is a pack doctor? What's a mate, and why is mine Jason and Alex yours?" she asked. I froze. Quite literally, I stopped breathing, moving, thinking, I think my heart even stopped. 

"A-" I started but was cut off by the door opening and the pack doctor and Jason coming in. I let out a rush of air and drew a questioning look from Jase. 

'We need to tell them,' I told him

He walked over to stand beside me. 'We can't tell them! Not yet at least.'

'They are a lot smarter than you think, bro,' I looked over at Jason's mate and she looked at me before locking eyes with Jason. The wheels started turning in his head, replaying what I said and the look she gave me, before looking at me sharply.

"I will tell you in my office. Meet me there in ten minutes."


Hey, guys! What up?? How's life? Good? Great, I have updated two stories, which isn't as many as I want but hey! Is it a start, right? Anyway, Merry Christmas! Or happy holidays. I hope everyone is feeling great! 

Don't hate me for not updating in forever!



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