Hajime Ending

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"You, Hajime."

The brunette's green eyes widened in disbelief, his jaw dropping open. "M-me?!"

I nodded, staring at him calmly. "Yes, you. It's always been you, Hajime. Ever since I first got to this island, you have done nothing but love me and protect me. I can't imagine a life with anyone other than you."

Komaeda let out a chuckle, a wide smirk on his lips. "Are you serious? You'd rather end up with talentless scum like him than me?!" He exclaimed, a strange glint in his eyes. "You've made the wrong decision, (y/n). I hope you recognize that before it's too late."

Before I could respond, the white haired boy stormed off, leaving me alone with Hajime.

"So... you really picked me, huh?" He sighed, staring at me longingly. "I never thought I would see the day, (y/n). Even though I don't have a talent, you still love me..."

"I love you for you, Hajime," I responded, causing the brunette's eyes to widen in surprise. "I don't care what your talent is, or if you even have one. I fell in love with the person you are, and I can't imagine anyone else that I would rather spend my life with."

Suddenly, the brunette grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me into a passionate kiss. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as he wrapped his around my waist.

Once we pulled away, he planted a kiss on my forehead. "I love you, (y/n). I will do everything in my power to care for you and protect you, until the day I die. And don't worry, I don't plan on dying on you any time soon," he insisted, a small smile quirking on to his lips as he spoke. I could see he was tearing up a little as well, small pools forming under his eyes.

I let out a giggle. "Don't worry, silly. I'm not going anywhere either."

The sky slowly brightened above us, the distant crashing of waves and cries of seagulls in the background as we stood there in each other's embrace.

"I will get you off this island, (y/n). I promise," he insisted.

"Eh, I don't mind too much. I just want to spend time with you," I replied, kissing him on the lips. "I love you, Hajime. I always have, and always will."

He let go of me for a moment, wiping away a tear from his cheek. He smiled at me as he kissed me again, then moving his lips to my ear, whispering into it softly.

"I love you too."

Grey Beach (Hajime Hinata x Fem! Reader x Nagito Komaeda)Where stories live. Discover now