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"Ugh," I groaned as my eyes fixated on the restaurant window. From my short time being here, I had learned that the island frequently blessed us with cloudless, sunny skies. However, today was different. The sky was full of light grey clouds on the brink of rain, looming above my classmates and I dauntingly. Of course it would be like this the day that I want to go swimming.

"(Y/n), are you ok?" A male voice asked, noticing my displeasure. I turned around and met the olive green eyes of Hajime Hinata, which were accompanied by furrowed brows above them.

"I'm alright," I assured with a small but sincere smile on my lips. Despite my words, the boy wasn't convinced. I had to elaborate, but I didn't know how to go about it. "I was hoping to go swimming today, but I guess that's not an option anymore!"

"As expected of the Ultimate Bad Luck," a different male voice chimed in. The amused Nagito Komaeda strode towards us, a devious grin on his pale lips. "I wish that I could use my luck to cancel out your bad luck. Alas, I guess it doesn't work like that..."

"It doesn't," Hajime affirmed, scratching the side of his cheek. We all had only been on the island for a few days, the days passing by uneventfully. Byakuya mentioned something about hosting a party tomorrow, but other than that there were no riveting prospects in our futures.

While we had been instructed to "kill each other," in the exact jargon of the ridiculous stuffed bear, no one seemed to have any intention of doing so. In fact, the few days we had spent on the island had been fairly relaxing after adapting to the tropical life.

"It's not that big of a deal," I rationalized. "Tomorrow will be just as sunny as usual."

"If you say that, your bad luck will cause a hurricane tomorrow!" Komaeda declared, letting out a small chuckle.

Yes, that was my talent. (Y/n) (l/n), Ultimate Bad Luck. I've been struck by lightning 4 times, caught in dozens of accidents, and was even left an orphan forced to live on my own accord before reaching my teenage years. But I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me. Being admitted to Hope's Peak Academy was my chance to make my life better, as I hadn't been living exactly well up until then. And you could say I was on the lap of luxury now, considering I was staying on a tropical island with 16 other kids my age.

"Why are you so obsessed with her talent?" Hajime complained.

"At least she has one, unlike you," he retorted in response. I felt the air grow tenser after the pale boy's words escaped his lips, and I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault.

"Hey... don't say that," I protested, folding my arms in front of my chest. Hajime merely waved his comment off.

"I can't remember it. Chill on me," he remarked, beginning to walk away. Just before he left, he gave me a half-hearted wave, to which I waved back. Komaeda leaned up against one of the nearby vertical beams and let out a small laugh.

"I think I'm going to go," I notified.

"Don't you think it's funny, (y/n)-chan? He walks around like he's somebody, clinging to the hope that he possesses a talent. When we don't even know if his talent even exists!" Komaeda rambled on.

"He just can't remember it," I sighed in annoyance. "You should be nicer to him. What if he's the Ultimate Good Samaritan?"

"Whatever you say, (y/n)-chan," Komaeda offered as a response. I left the restaurant without hesitation, as most of the other students already filtered out anyways. I wanted to go to the beach, even if there was a high probability of it raining. If someone wanted to, they could surely accompany me, but I just wanted to go alone for the time being.

"Cold..." I mumbled to myself as I stepped outside, the tropical air faring to be much less warm than usual. I figured I would live without grabbing a hoodie, and carried on my trek.

Once I arrived at the beach, I plopped down in the sand a few safe feet away from the ocean. I knew that I'd have to end up changing and showering shortly, but I didn't mind. Something about the waves crashing and the birds chirping in the empty grey wasteland appealed to me.

"(Y/n)!" A voice called, followed by the sound of feet running through the sand. Hajime slid through the sand to sit next to me, an indecipherable expression on his glowing face. "What are you doing out here all alone? You said it yourself, it's going to rain any minute!"

I merely shrugged. "It's really peaceful," I explained. "Weather like this isn't something you see every day."

"I agree," he sighed wistfully, but then cut back to his assertive demeanor. "But you need to get inside. Last thing you'd want is to get caught up in this storm, or possibly even struck by lightning again."

"In a moment," I pleaded, sand falling from my knees as I brought them into my chest. I closed my eyes, taking in the smell of the air before the rain.

"Get away from there, you two!" Another voice exclaimed, assumably belonging to Komaeda. I almost didn't hear it over the sound of the waves, which were quite strong due to the storm coming soon.

"We've gotta go, now," Hajime insisted as he suddenly pulled me by the hand. I was dragged behind him like a rag doll as we sprinted towards the white haired boy, who accompanied us in our sprint back to the hotel, where the others were gathered. Unfortunately, we were slightly too late. The rain caught us at the midway point, though it wasn't crashing down just yet. When we finally made it to the lobby, I was dripping with rainwater.

"You're soaking wet, (y/n)!" Komaeda yelled, tossing me his long green coat. "We are almost there, but there is a high possibility you could get sick thanks to your bad luck."

"Thank you," I offered as I slipped the coat on. The two boys seemed only slightly damp, as if they had only been out in the rain for a split second.

"I guess this really proves my bad luck," I grinned in response. The two boys walked with me to the restaurant to join the rest of our classmates. Once there, they merely meshed in with everyone else. As if nothing even happened just now. I let out a small chuckle to myself.

Maybe being on this island wouldn't be so bad after all.

Grey Beach (Hajime Hinata x Fem! Reader x Nagito Komaeda)Where stories live. Discover now