Chapter 18

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It was one hell of a night.

I got ready for a fight, just like any other night. I got in the ring and was ready. That is until I saw her.

I was in the middle of a fight yet my eyes were instantly drawn to her as if her mere presence called to me. Like a moth to a flame.

She was wearing a black tank top that stopped above her belly button and black ripped straight-leg jeans. The tattoos lining her side peeked out from underneath the fabric of her shirt. It wasn't a flashy outfit at all, I'm pretty sure she just threw on what was comfortable.

She looked good anyway, more than good. The pants did nothing to hide her curves underneath and the way the delicate silver chain glinted under the light and stood out against her slightly tan skin had me feeling dazed. Sent my heart rate raising more than I was comfortable with.

And then I looked at her eyes, the dark brown glinting dangerously up at me. Her already thick lashes coated in mascara with fox eyeliner surrounding them fluttered. Full glossed lips twitched into a mischievous smile I'm not even sure she was aware she threw in my direction.

She looked stunning. I sound like a fucking idiot, I just met the woman.

I don't think she even realized I was stealing glances, keenly, almost annoyingly aware of her presence.

When I zoned back into the fight, it felt just as gratifying as it did every time I stepped into the ring. I felt a buzz of energy in my entire being, I felt jittery in the best way possible. It was only fed by the people in the crowd who were itching to see blatant violence. One of which I was particularly attuned and aware of.

So much so that I caught myself stealing forbidden glances at her while in the middle of the fight, something I never do because paying attention during it is kind of fucking important. I could have earned myself a broken nose or worse in the split second I averted my eyes but luckily nothing too bad happened. The big guy named Wayne could have come in and tried to land harder hits while my eyes trailed elsewhere but didn't. He was too bulky to move swiftly enough to get those hits in without taking a real big chance that I would dish out something worse. We both knew it.

Which is the reason he tried rilling me up into a blind rage in the hopes I'd slip.

Lot of good that did him.

I caught her eye and damn it I'd never seen brown eyes look so beautiful. Unfortunately, my revelation was cut short by a punch to the face so hard my neck hurt. Trailing my eyes up, I pinned the auburn-haired man with a cold glare. Which thawed immediately once I realized what he was doing and sent it straight into the worst, icy glare I'd ever given anyone in my life.

I'm gonna kill this motherfucker.

He ran his revolting gaze over her form and halted right at a spot that made me want to rip his head off.

He saw who had half my attention throughout the match and used it to his advantage. Or what he thought would be an advantage. It takes a lot to get me truly angry, but he managed to do just that when he leaned closer and whispered the filthy words in my ear. His hot foul breath made me want to recoil to spare my nostrils and immune system from whatever bacteria that motherfucker had that could contaminate me.

"That your girl? I bet she's got a real nice tight cunt. I'll find out soon enough after I put you on your ass and take her from you. I'll fuck her nice and bloody while she cries for you to save her."

Vile. That's the only way to describe what he had the balls to say to me about her.

Under any circumstance, I would beat the shit out of a guy who talked about women like that. Who talked about raping them as if they were his to take. The notion some men even think like that is the whole reason women feel unsafe so much as walking alone and that makes me angry. Because of people like him, girls are taught to fear men or at the very least expect the worse from them by the time they are little. When really parents should teach their own sons some fucking respect towards women while they are still little.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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