Chapter 3

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   Have you ever heard an adrenaline junkie talk about the high they get when they do something that's risky, the indescribable feeling of being weightless. That's me right now. The hum of my engine, my foot on the gas and the deafening sound of cars drifting. The wind in my hair from the open windows. Being pushed back with how fast I speed off. Knowing the danger I'm putting myself in, one wrong turn at the speed I'm going and I'd be gone from this world, like I was never there to begin with. The only people that would care would be Alex and Nate. I wouldn't be a burden if I was gone. I guess that's the reason I'm completely calm in all this, I've always thrived in pandemonium.

   There were two cars in front of me, one of them belonging to Nate. And one of these idiots was practically riding my bumper, they were so close. Well that just won't do, now will it? I put my foot down on the gas all the way and just like that he was off my tail , making a sharp turn to the right I saw I still needed to pass the other two. I gradually made my way next to Nate's car and did something really stupid. I made it seem as if I was going to bump into him from the right side, it distracted him long enough for me to leave him in the dust. Sorry Nathaniel, I'm winning this no matter what.
Now it was just me and the red car up ahead. And apparently god really wanted to test my patience today, the asshole from earlier was behind the wheel. I made it to the spot next to him and relieved some of the pressure I had on the gas to keep us neck and neck. If I pushed the gas at just the right moment I could win this, I knew it. We made brief eye contact and you could practically see the shock written all over his face. He just couldn't fathom the reality that I was the one proving to be problem for him out of all the other men we were up against. The shock didn't last long though, his faces morphed into a look of pure and utter anger.

Up ahead there was a bascule bridge. I hadn't been paying attention and saw it was starting to lift. The asshole stopped abruptly, but me? No that would make me a sane person and where's the fun in that?

Upon seeing the bridge, I knew that was my chance. So I slammed my foot on the gas and accelerated. I'm sure if I would have turned back I would have seen the assholes horrified expression. My car went up in the air for what felt like an eternity but in actuality, was definitely less than a minute. In the second I was up in the air I saw my life flash before my eyes, the hum of adrenaline in my body picked up, and there was a slight ring in my ears. And I don't know if this makes me a masochist, but I could fucking live for that feeling alone, because it felt like I was actually living instead of just surviving.

My car landed on the other side with a bump but other than that I was fine, surprisingly . I just kept speeding down the road to my end goal, the finish line. As I got closer to the finish line, I realize I'm alone, checking my mirror I don't even see anyone behind me. I reach the end and do a donut then stop, leaving skid marks on the ground. The crowd came alive with piercing cheers and swarmed my car in congratulations as I get out with a small smile on my face. I see some people give me disbelieving looks but I ignore them. Not long after, Nate pulls up, then the asshole, followed by the other two who I don't know. They all got out of their cars.

As soon as he spots me, Nate beams at me, showing off his dimples and hurried over to give me a bone-crushing hug. " I'm so fucking proud of you, kinda sad I didn't win though," he said with a playful pout.

   I looked past Nates shoulder and saw the assholes hateful glare pinned on me, glare all you want I still won. My thoughts were followed with a smirk directed at the man boiling in utter disappointment and rage.

Nate pulls my face and grabs it by my cheeks making me look at him. He has a serious expression on his face, one that rarely ever graces his golden features. "Listen to me, Andrea. I am proud of you for winning but damn it you can't do crazy shit like that, you'll end up fucking dead. I will not bury another friend, another sister. You got that?," his lips where pressed into a harsh line and his dark honey blonde eyebrows furrowed.

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