Chapter 1

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Beep. Beep. Beep.
Beep. Beep.Beep.
Fuck. Why?
Beep. Beep.Beep.

    I slowly peeled my eyes open and reached over on my nightstand and grabbed my phone, turning off all my alarms. Once I got the will to actually get up and start my day I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and have a shower.

     After my shower, I dragged my ass back to my room and just stared at my closet. I have so many clothes yet I just can't find the motivation to put any of them on. I put on some black high waisted ripped jeans and a black hoodie with a white rose in the middle and white Air Force 1's. I brushed my hair, letting it down like in normally is and put on some lip balm, and off to hell I go. I make my way to the kitchen where I find my brother eating cereal in only a pair of grey sweats.

     "Ew Alex it's too early for me to see all that. Por Dios. (Dear God)" I say in a groggy voice.

     "You're just bitter because I got all the good looks," he says with a mouth full of cereal.

     "And I got all the brain cells you lost so we're even. Anyways, got work today?" I ask while making myself some cereal.

    " Yeah, Frankie said if the shop isn't busy I could leave early though," he says while putting his bowl in the sink.

    " Yeah, so you can go off and do god knows what, wherever you go off to in the middle of the night. Ya know if you just told me where you run off to I wouldn't have to worry about you coming back home with scratches, bruises, and bloody knuckles." I grumble while eating.

     His back straightened and went stiff when I finished my statement. He just stood there with his back facing me, allow tension-filled silence to engulf us like a fire, would paper.

   Alex slowly turned around with a hard look in his eyes and his mouth set in a deep frown. I'm sure this look was supposed to intimidate me to drop it but I've lived with him all my life, he doesn't scare me and he never will. Not much scares me anyway, not when you've seen what I have.

   "I'm not talking about this with you, hermanita. Deberías de ir a la escuela, se te va hacer tarde." (You should go to school, you're going to be late.) He took my half-eaten bowl knowing I wasn't going to finish and placed it in the sink, giving me his back again.

   I slowly got up with a sigh and walked over to him. Giving him a side hug I kissed his cheek. "Te quiero hermano, que nunca se te olvide." ( I love you big brother, never forget that.)

   "Te quiero también." ( I love you, too.) I grabbed my bag and made my way out to my car. It was a 2018 Audi S4 in black. Alex got it for me for my 17th birthday last year. When I saw it I was so happy but I knew there was no way in hell we could possibly afford something like this. I've tried asking him where he got the money but he always just evades telling me. Ever since we were kids Alex has always taken care of me, especially after dad died. We both went through a rough phase where we would only talk to each other and get into a lot of fights. Didn't help that mom was always high off her ass or drunk, add in the fact she had men in and out of the house. Yeah, let's just say from the ages of 7 to about 11 I wasn't the best kid.

   We moved from Florida to Chicago when I was 11 and Alex was 13. That was when the fighting slowed down and Alex started making friends and me, well I made myself the reputation of the loner girl, the bad girl cause I broke one kid's nose the first week of school. Everyone tried to talk to me for the first couple of weeks but after a while, I think they got that I didn't want anyone around, I was fine being alone. The only people who never gave up on me were my two best friends Nate and Rina. They sat next to me in every class we had together and always talked to me like I would answer. Eventually, I started talking to them and we've been friends ever since. They both helped me when Alex and I kicked out our mom if you can even call her that when he turned 18 and got custody of me.

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