Chapter 8

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After that sheepish statement and look she shot at Alex, he snapped.

"What in the name of fuck are you doing here?!" Alex shouted at her gaining the attention of some people around us.

"First of all, don't raise your voice at me Alexander. You're being over dramatic and making a scene. Second, if you can't have a civilized conversation with me about this, then you can fucking leave." Her melodious voice wasn't even raised, her tone deathly calm and arms crossed over her chest. She shot a pointed look at her brother and then gazed at the three of us. She skimmed her gaze over Zion and Alyssa, then stopped at me.

Our eyes collided, we just stared at each other for what felt like an eternity but was probably a second. As she took me in appreciatively I couldn't hold back a slight smirk. When our gazes finally connected again she shot me a smirk of her own and directed her attention back to her brother. Nobody seemed to have caught our little interaction besides Zion who was giving me a knowing look.

      "Well aren't you gonna introduce me to your friends. You come over here and start yelling bloody murder and you don't even have the decency to introduce me to the poor souls who have to put up with your dumbass. Que grosero que eres, mano." (How rude of you brother.) She drawled while smiling at us all as if her brother wasn't fuming in anger.

       Zion and I chuckled at the girls antics but with one look from Alex, all humor left our bodies.

      "Te lo voy a preguntar una vez más. Que carajo estás haciendo aquí, Andrea?" (I'm going to ask you one more time. What the fuck are you doing here, Andrea?) Alex's words sounded calm but none of us could ignore the underlying rage to them. I don't think he's gonna introduce us right now, sweetheart. Hopefully I'll get to know you soon though.

       "What do you think I'm doin? I'm racing, that much is obvious." She rolled her eyes at her brothers question while looking completely uninterested.

       "Okay. But why are you racing. This shits dangerous Andrea. You shouldn't even be here, damnit."

      "I'm not a fucking child Alex. Don't you think I know this shits fucking dangerous? And to answer your question, racing's good money and I like it. So why not?"

      "Why not? Why not?! Are you out of your fucking mind? One wrong turn while out there and you're dead, Drea. What if the fucking police come? Then what? Where you just gonna hope that I bailed you out?" Alex's face has taken a red color and his jaw was clenched so tight I thought he might shatter his own teeth.

       "I am doing nothing that you don't do. Coming home late at night with bruises and scratches you won't tell me where you got. Bloody knuckles and the smell of cigarettes and alcohol clinging to you. For fucks sake Alex, sometime you're so tired you pass out on the couch. Do you know how fucking worried I am everyday that you won't come home? If me doing this gets you to stop working yourself that hard, then I'll keep doing it. This is my way of helping out, and you can't take that away from me. We all have secrets and this is mine, now you know. I'm not dumb, I know why you come home like that and as long as you keep doing that, I'll keep doing this. This started off about money, but I fucking love racing and you are NOT going to take that away from me. You stay in your lane and I'll stay in mine."

       By the time she was done, we all could see she was visibly fuming. Shoulders going up and down while her cheeks were stained with anger. The blonde guy took a step forward and placed his hand on her shoulder as if to calm her down. He whispered something in her ear and she nodded wordlessly. 

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