Chapter 2

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I arrived at Carlos'around 2:30 for my shift, it was an old school diner type place with red walls, black and white photos, the works. The man who own's this place is Carlos' son, Alejandro. He's a nice man in his early fifties who hired me when I was 15 and our mother was still around, he had seen the bruises on my arms from one of my run-ins with her flavor of the week. He never asked questions, just told me he was there if i needed anything. He was a sweet man with salt and pepper hair, tanned skin, and wrinkles around his eyes from smiling. I would never admit it but he had this grandfatherly aura about him that made feel at ease and like maybe I could be normal. Whatever that means. But with a mother that always slept with men for money to pay the bills and get drugs, any chance of me being normal and not fûcked up just isn't ver realistic.

After changing into my uniform which, consisted of high wasted blue jeans and a red polo shirt with the restaurants name on it I made my way to the front and started taking orders and bringing out food. That's all i really did and listen to my bitchy co-workers talk about me. Apparently I'm a stuck up cunt because i don't talk to any of them, I'm so sorry sweetie but I don't talk to anyone besides Nate and Alex and I'm not going to change that for you. Plus it's not like i want to hear about how much her hair extensions were. My shift passed by fairly quickly just mindlessly taking orders and serving people.

I got home at 8:30, Alex was't home which wasn't too surprising anymore. Since I had some time to kill before the race I did some homework then, took a shower and got dressed in black jeans and fitted crop top. I got a text from Nate shortly after that the race was being held at an abandoned highway at midnight where there weren't any police officers doing patrols. We would be going up against four other racers and each other for $500, this is because there are different levels, the higher up you are in rank the more money you earn if you win. This was both our first race so we were still rookies.

At around 11 o'clock I got in my car and drove to the abandoned highway where it was taking place, as I was getting closer I saw different fast cars around, people walking around like fucking ants, girls dressed in next to nothing. I spotted Nate and parked my car where seemingly all the people participating in the first race, which was for beginners did. I got out of the car and could practically feel the glares and lust filled gazes from guy's being thrown my way, fuck them if they thought that just because I was a girl I couldn't possibly give them a run for their money. I probably bruised some of their inflated egos, boo-fucking-hoo, I'm going to show them what women can really do.

   Nate was leaning on his car by the time I made it in front of him from having to wrestle my way through the crowd. I probably had a look of determination on my face because he narrowed his eyes at me and asked, "What happened to you? You have that look in your eye from when we were kids and you punched a kid for saying girls were weak."

   I swear he knows me too well. " Oh nothing, just the fact that I can feel all the humongous ego's of sexist men here, which I will simply have to crush." I said nonchalantly while giving him my best innocent expression while batting my lashes.

   "This isn't going to end well." he muttered while looking up at the sky as if asking god to give him strength. I noticed he was dressed in pair of black designer jeans and a plain white shirt with a black leather jacket and some black sneakers.

   "They think I'm just a piece of ass that will be easy to take out. And I'm going to prove them wrong Nathaniel, even if it's the last thing I do." I huffed while leaning on the car.

   "Whatever just make me proud, would you?" he bumped my shoulder and gave me a lopsided grin. He knew I was stubborn as hell and wouldn't let this go.

   "Don't I always?" I playfully raised an eyebrow. "You don"t want me to answer that Andrea." he gave me a sideways look that showed of his little smirk. Rude.

    I was about to reply when a booming voice yelled, " ALL RIGHT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ON THIS LOVELY EVENING WE ARE GOING TO BE WATCHING THE  BEGINNERS." I looked away from Nate to see a man in his early to mid twenties standing on the hood of a car. He had pale skin, curly red hair and a muscular build that was accentuated by the tight black t-shirt he was wearing, paired with blue jeans and black sneakers. After his little speech, some groans where heard from the crowd. "I KNOW, I KNOW, BUT GIVE THEM A SHOT. WHO KNOWS? THEY MAY SURPRISE US." The man said with a cheeky smile.

   After he was done Nate and I wished each other luck, and off we went to our respective vehicles. I was surprisingly calm considering the logical part of my brain did acknowledge that so many things could go wrong. I got inside my car and drove it the short distance to the starting line. I was right in the middle of the other 5 cars, one of which was Nate. I had my windows down and heard and engine roar to the left of me. I turned and was faced with a guy, around my age I'd say, with a smirk playing on his thin pink lips. He had brown eye's and blonde hair. He opened his mouth and I already knew some dumb shit was about to leave it. Why plague the world with idiotic remarks when you can just keep your mouth shut and keep your face intact.

   " You know, I don't really think this is a place for a girl like you, sweetheart." he said with a smirk like it was the funniest thing in the world. I bet he was raised by a Karen, I guess I'll just have to teach him to never fûçk with ME of all people.

"And in my face, isn't a place for pussy ass bitches to be but here the fuck you are." I said with a sickeningly sweet smile. His smirk instantly dropped and his face started to get red, especially the tips of his ears. He honestly looks like a fire truck, it's really amusing for me to put arrogant assholes in their place.

"You fúçking bitch. I'll ruin you!" He shouted. I put on my most sadistic smirk and turned back to the front. " We will see about that, imbécil."

A girl in practically nothing on strutted her way to the middle of the road with a green bandanna. She had impeccably applied makeup, platinum blonde hair and a short red dress on." Racers are you ready?!" The crowd started cheering as she held the piece of fabric up high.

   "Ready! Set! Go!" She said while dropping down with the bandanna.

   And that's the moment my life changed.

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