Chapter 23

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Hey, guys! Sorry I've been so inactive lately. I've been settling into a the new year and have been focusing on other things. But now that I'm done, I finally made some time to write. So, enjoy!

"Overhead attack!", I exclaimed as my flail struck against Steven's pink shield. From behind it, Steven cracked a smile as he began to imitate a horrible medieval accent, "Interesting techniques-ethhh. But, underestimating my power shall be thy biggest downfall-ethhh!".

He shoved the shield against me, causing me to slightly stumble back against the sofa for support. Perhaps fighting inside Steven's house wasn't the best idea, but with Pearl out there looking for Peridot, we had to make do with what we had. I wasn't supposed to be with Steven at all for that matter. I snuck out as soon as my mum left for work when Steven convinced me to come over. I had to admit, it was really odd to hear Steven trying to persuade me to disobey my mum instead of the opposite. I clutched the handle of my weapon, swinging it over my head. I leapt onto the coffee table with a grin on my face, getting a little too into the pretend fight. Even though stepping on someone else's table was seen as being very disrespectful, Steven didn't seem to mind.

"Don't think you've won yet-ethhh!", I too began to mimic the same voice as Steven. I pushed my foot against Steven's shield, making it difficult to stay in a proper posture. "Prepare-ethhh for my secret move-ethh. You'll--".


The room fell into silence when my mother stood in front of the door with the most terror-stricken expression I've ever seen her have. Her eyes continuously kept shifting from me, to Steven to the pink flail in my grasp. I immediately released my grip, letting it fall to the floor.

"Mum!", I blurted, mainly to break the ice as I promptly hopped off the coffee table. I didn't really have an explanation for being there. "Wh-What are you doing here?".

"What am I doing here?! What is this?!", she exclaimed, walking up to me and picking up the handle of my weapon, eyeing up and down, with panic written on her face. The last time I saw her this wound up was when I accidentally used all her work files to make a paper hat for my stuffed animal, Boris-Bear. "I come home and find out you snuck out to meet this boy and then I see you messing around with weapons?! You could've been hurt! Your fingers could've been cut off! You could've dropped this on your foot and crushed it!!".

My mum then glared at Steven, "You want to know why I'm against him? This is why! Because he encourages you to engage in such dangerous activities!", she gritted her teeth, "Have you been behind all of (Y/N)'s injuries?! Do you want to see her in the hospital?! Do you?!".

Being weighed down by the pressure of having an adult yell at him, he shifted the tip of his foot on the ground, unable to look up at my mother properly. "N-No, ma'am. I...".

I promptly stepped in front of him, seeing how he was unable to speak for himself. "Stop yelling at him! It's not his fault!", I defended him.

Mum immediately gripped onto my arm, pulling me away from him so she was standing between us as some sort of impenetrable force field. She hated the fact that I was standing up for him. With one more huff, she pointed a sharp finger at Steven, "I better not see you around my daughter again!".

With that, she was furiously dragging me out the door, muttering disgusting words under her breath with the handle of my flail gripped tightly in her fist. Steven and I exchanged a quick weary glance at each other before he was out of sight.


"Can I at least give it back to Steven? It technically belongs to him".

My mother whipped her head around to face me, her face boiling with rage. No, rage would be an understatement. I've actually never seen her this infuriated before. What happened must have really snapped something in her. "No! This weapon is dangerous and after what I've witnessed I don't want you carrying this or seeing that boy ever again!", she barked, brusquely. Before I could snap back, an annoying buzzing sound came from my mum's jacket pocket. She swiftly answered it, wanting to avoid any further conflict with me. I could do no more than fold my arms over my chest and watch my mum take her phone call.

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