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Hey, Violetkit, you okay? you sign, awkwardly edging closer to the crying kit.

She avoids your gaze, trying to hide her tears. No, she signs, but thanks for coming. She sniffles a little as she sinks to the ground and curls up.

You pad over to her and put a comforting paw on her pelt. You go around so she can see your eyes and read your signs. You didn't do anything wrong. It's the other kits who need to get their attitude checked, you sign. What you did was kind, if Sparrowkit can't see that then he doesn't deserve you.

Violetkit gives you a tiny smile and wipes her tears away. Thank you, (Y/N)kit. You always know how to cheer me up. She unsteadily pushes herself to her feet and unexpectedly gives you a nuzzle. Her white fur feels soft and warm, just like her mother's. I have an idea for something we could do, she signs.

What, you sign curiously.

Violetkit's eyes lit up, giving her face a new happy glow. I want to talk to Sapstep. Mama says she tells the best stories. Violetkit gestures into the elder's den. She looks up at you, her big blue eyes dilating in a pleading look. Can we visit her in the elder's den please?

1.Violetkit's nice, but listening to elder's isn't really your style. You'd rather take down Eaglekit and Ravenkit! Go to page 16.

2.You feel kind of bad for Sparrowkit. You should check on how he's doing. Go to page 27.

3.Bored now! You'd much rather do something alone. Go to page 19.

4. Listening to one of Sapstep's famous stories sounds fun! You'd get to learn something new and spend time with Violetkit... Go to page 28

A/N: Don't forget to upvote, add the story to your library, and reply with your choice. It really helps me out.

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