Chapter 1

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    "Alright class, have a good break. When we come back, we are going to focus on procedures involving the brain. I hope that you don't completely forget the information taught because that will be helpful." Students piled out of the classroom as he rambled on about assignments and crap like that. I however, continued sitting there, taking notes. People nudged passed me, but I didn't take notice. I was too involved with my notes.

      "Ms. Peters?"  I heard someone call my name, but I paid no attention. I was getting last notes jotted down. "Ms. Peters!" I sloppily wrote down the last few words and threw my pen down on my note pad. In front of me stood the professor. "You do realize class finished?" I nodded and started to pack up.

       "I'm sorry, I was just taking some last minute notes." He raised an eyebrow and took the notepad off of my desk before I could grab it. He flipped through the pages then started to laugh.

      "Clara, you are already so ahead of the class. Soon enough, you are going to have to start teaching me. Why aren't you in the higher level classes?" I shrugged and took the notebook from the professor.

      "I mean...this is the highest I can go. They won't let 22 year olds join the higher level classes." The professor folded his arms and laughed.

      "Am I holding you back?" I felt my face grow red with embarrassment and I shook my head.

      "No, sir. I just want to be prepared. I guess being an overachiever runs in the family." He rubbed his stubby face with hand and nodded.

      "You are a lot like your father."

      "I know, sir, you tell me everyday."

       "I was always envious of him. He became the top surgeon at The Georgetown Hospital and I got stuck teaching about of kids...not that you are a problem, Ms. Peters." I laughed and stood up from my chair.

      "No, it's alright. Like I said, it runs in the genes." We both shared another laugh, but soon the happy glow in his eyes seem to fade very quickly and that little smirk on his face left as well.

      "It's a shame he had to go so soon. Never got the chance to see how successful you are becoming. Now you only have your mother, has she paid any attention to you recently?" My mom was a scientist at S.H.I.E.L.D, working on god knows what. She and my dad both met in college. They were both in the science field. They met, became friends, dated, and eventually got married and had me. I mean...we were a pretty decent family until my know...until he died. But I guess before that, my mom wasn't really around. My dad, however, he'd try to spend as much time with me as he could before having his shifts at the hospital.

       "Ehhh...she's been the same. I don't argue with her though. And she provides for the two of us."

        "Ms. Peters, with the progress you've been making, you won't need anyone else to provide for you for long. I wouldn't be surprised if you already started getting job offers."

       "Thanks, sir!" I looked down at my phone.  "I should be going. It is a two hour drive from here. My mom doesn't want me back too late and I was hoping to stop at someplace first." He nodded and walked away from my desk back to his.

        "Have a good break, Ms. Peters." I did a little head nod and left the lecture building.


       I shoved the last few fries from McDonalds into my mouth and threw the container into the trash right in front of The Smithsonian. I walked up to the security and passed through the metal detectors before continuing to The Air and Space Museum. I passed through all the exhibits in the main building though. I was there to see something else. I followed the signs down hallways and up escalators until I finally made it to the Captain America exhibit. I stared at the huge banners as I went up the final escalator that eventually led to the exhibit. When I got the the top, people were everywhere, walking in and out. The entrance had a huge mural with Captain America saluting. TVs were embedded in the wall show old clips and quotes were plastered on the wall as well. When you walk past the entrance, a hallway with panels on either side with different stories and stuff created a pathway to the actual room. I passed by people reading the glass panes, trying not to nudge them too hard, and made my way to the main room.

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