Chapter 14

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    I sat on the couch and stared at my hands. Bucky was sitting on the couch that faces the TV, and he continued to write in his book. After the eventful first day of training and "wolfing out", an appropriate term for this occurrence that will remain ongoing in my life,  Bucky and I sat silently in the couch. I was sort of able to control changing back, but I was a bit naked, so Bucky had to close his eyes while I ran into the house and directly to my room.

      " seems your emotion theory wasn't that stupid after all." I said out of the blue. "Sorry for not trusting you and thinking you were gonna ditch me." I apologized quietly, and he looked up from his notebook.

      "Well, uhhh, thanks for not giving up on me and helping me continue to rediscover my past." I gave him and awkward smile.

       "So, I really don't look scary at all?"  He shook his head.

       "I's definitely different, but I've seen so much, it doesn't phase me...but maybe other people wouldn't be so calm with it."

        "Yeah, this kind of stuff usually happens in movies and stuff. How about the whole changing, is that freaky?"

         "I was a little disturbing, but I'm sure as you do it more, you're body will get used to it and just do it without the slow process. Like you said, it felt faster and less painful than last night, right?" I nodded and intertwined my fingers together. We sat there in silence a little longer before I looked at the time on the clock on the wall.

        "I'm going to go to sleep. Can we continue training tomorrow? I feel like I'll get some of the moves down by tomorrow. And I think am already a good fighter." Bucky scoffed and shook his head.

        "You still got a lot to learn. And with your other ability, you are gonna have to focus on controlling that first and learning how to use those senses." I said goodnight to him, and he just gave a small nod. I left him for the rest of the night.


       I woke up again to Bucky's moans from the living room. Like the first time, I ran out my bedroom and turned on the lights in the house. When I turned the corner, I saw him lying on the rug using one of the couch pillows as a pillow. He was breathing heavily and he tossed and turned.

      "Bucky, Bucky it's just another dream." I gently tapped his shoulder, but he didn't wake up. He instead started to scream a bit. "Bucky." I called a little louder. "Bucky, it's alright. You're not with Hydra anymore. It's just me and you." I shook him a little harder and harder every time his screams grew more intense. In the beginning, I was keeping my distance, but now I was too worried. I had to be gentle with him, but I knew I had to wake him up. After about a minute of him screaming and me struggling. To wake him, he suddenly stopped screaming and calmed down. I stopped moving, but didn't drop my guard. I squatted there and watched him. He looked like he was okay now, maybe the nightmare passed. I was wrong.

     Without warning, Bucky's metal hand shot out and grasped firmly around my neck. His eyes were wide open and wild looking. There were no emotion in his eyes at all. They were cold and empty. He stood up on his feet effortlessly and lifted me up in the air. I took my fingers and tried to shove them between my neck and his metal fingers to create a barrier, but I could already feel myself get lightheaded. I used one of my hands to hit at his arm even though I knew that would do absolutely nothing. I attempted to kick him, but soon I was just flailing in the air. "Bucky..." I gasped. "Bucky, it's me." My eyes were watering and I continued to whack his arm, but he showed no sign of letting go. He's gonna kill me if he doesn't snap out of soon, and that's gonna be even more guilt on his conscious. Frantically, I kicked my legs up and around his arm like it was a tree branch, and using all my weight, I brought us both to the ground. I felt my back hit the rug and I huddled my head into my chest. Bucky had lost his grip and his flipped over me and landed hard on his back. He let out a moan and I wheezed for air. I crawled a safe distance from Bucky and sat down on the ground and stared at him. I rubbed my neck and watched as he sat up on his butt and looked around. Then he looked at me. He eyes were still wide open, but they will filled with fear and shock. He looked at my neck and pointed.

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