Chapter 26

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    I sat on top a few crates and stared at Bucky as he sat unconscious in the middle of the warehouse we decided to hide out. After getting out of the moat, Steve sent me to find Sam, which wasn't that hard because I found him looking for us. Steve carried the unconscious Bucky on his back, and eventually found our way to this abandoned warehouse. We weren't sure if Bucky was going to be back to himself or not by the time, so to be safe, Steve put Bucky's metal arm under a hydraulic press and closed the gap enough to where Bucky wouldn't be able to move his arm at all. I sat on the crates and rested my head against the wall. My hair was drying up as well as the blood on the side of my head, but overall, I already started to feel a lot better. I rolled my head to the side and saw Sam leaning up against the wall. He had his arms crossed and he was looking directly at Bucky. Steve was by the entrance of the warehouse, keeping watch and surveilling the helicopters up above that circled around like sharks. I looked back at Bucky. He was leaning over on his knees and he's showed no signs of movement. His hair hung over his face so I wouldn't be able to tell if his eyes opened at all. My mouth was dry, and when I swallowed my saliva, I started to go into a little coughing fit.

"You alright?" Sam's voice surprised me and I looked over at him and nodded.

"Yeah. Throat's a little sore, that's all." He nodded and we both looked back at Bucky. I sighed as I stared at him. How is he gonna react when he wakes up? I know he's gonna blame himself. I don't want him to blame himself, though. It wasn't his fault. A low groaning took me away from my thoughts and I lifted my head off the walk. I saw that had lifted his head and looked at his arm. I sat up on the crates and watched him more intently. Bucky looked at his arm a little longer, then used his free arm as support to sit up straight. When he moved to sit up, he let out a high pitched groan and I immediately jumped off the box of crates and sped to Bucky's side.

"Oh god Bucky, are you okay?" I completely forgot the idea that Bucky could still be a dangerous, mindless assassin, but I didn't like seeing him in pain, even if I only really saw him hurt once and even though he would heal completely in like two days. I put squatted next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked around the warehouse, confused as hell then he looked eyes with me. I smiled when I looked into his eyes. Bucky was back. I could tell.

"What the hell happened?" I opened my mouth to answer, then so realized I couldn't really answer that question. I pushed a strand of his hair out his face and behind his ear so he could see better.

"Actually....we were hoping you could tell us." Bucky's eyes shot up above my head and I turned arising to see that Steve and Sam were now in the room.

"Steve..." Bucky murmured quietly, followed by a very weak smile of relief.

"Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asked sternly. He had a hard, protective glare on his face. Bucky sat there for a few moments, thinking of what to say.

"Your mom's name was Sarah..." Bucky answered Steve. I watched Bucky's face as the corners of his mouth lifted up a bit. "You used to wear newspapers in your shoes." Bucky chuckled a bit when he said this, and I gave a sympathetic smile. I kept my hand on Bucky's shoulder and rubbed it comfortingly. I looked over to Steve and his hard glare relaxed and his shoulders were no longer tense.

"You can't read that in a museum." Steve commented.

"What? So just like that we are supposed to trust him?" Sam didn't except Bucky's answer as easily as Steve did, and I saw Bucky's smile fade and pressed his lips together.

"What did I do?" He asked quietly. In his voice, I could hear the shakiness and unsteadiness. He was scared of what he did.

"Enough," Steve said flatly. I guess it was better than saying he broke out of a highly secured prison, knocked out almost every person that tried to stop him, and tried to escape out of a helicopter only to crash it, and almost decapitating Steve in the process.

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