Chapter 8

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How were two people, one of us being weak as hell and the other being a deadly assassin, going to manage getting through the city of Washington D.C to my home outside of the city without getting off looks by the public?

Actually, it was quite easier than you think. First we had to get out of the Hydra lab, meaning I followed the man has he limped through the maze of hallways until we finally reached an elevator. It was an awkward and silent ride up to the building we were apparently underneath. The building, fortunately, was an abandoned bank, so the front doors and windows were all boarded up so no one on the outside could see from the inside. The man led me to the back of the building, where he said he had car parked. Not his car, of course.

His limp got so bad at me point, I was about to put myself under his metal arm to support him, but he pushed me away and claimed he was fine. Even after my little speech about trust, he still didn't seem to full trust me. Trust hasn't really been on my side though either recently, so I don't blame him. I backed off and continued to follow him quietly. When we finally got outside, I got a huge whiff of fresh air. Something I haven't gotten in so long. I've gotten so used to the musty, damp-smelling room and halls, that the fresh, crisp air of D.C caused me to flinch a bit when so breathed in the air. I could hear cars pass by with the usual horn honking here and there. In the alleyway was a Black SUV.  The windows were tinted, so no one could see us from the outside. I followed the man into the car, but when I buckled and got settled, I looked over and realized that the man only had his metal arm on the wheel, and his seatbelt wasn't even on. And he looked tired. Bags had started to collect under his eyes, which were all droopy.

"Do you want me to drive? I'm probably in better shape than you are right now." He grunted and sat up straight in his seat. He shook his head. I watched guiltily as he struggled to move his right arm and put on the staring wheel. Just watching him made me cringe because that shit must've been painful. Finally, it was too much for me and I unbuckled.

"Okay, clearly you are not fit to drive, even if you say you are. You've done enough, and you need rest."

"No." He was stubborn. Why was he so determined to drive?

"We'll, I'm not doing this for you, then. If you drive, you'll be putting our lives in danger as well as other people driving. And if not that, would could get pulled over and people could discover who you are...whoever you are. And then you and I are screwed. And I don't know what you've done, but you look like you've done some bad shit, so that wouldn't be good at all. So let me drive." He glared at the steering wheel tightly gripping it with his metal arm. "You gotta trust know where I live." I tried to soften my blow a bit. His glare shifted from the wheel to me, and he seems to have grabbed the wheel harder. But after another few seconds, he let go of the wheel and opened up his car door.

"Fine..." he whispered grumpily, but I didn't care. I was rather excited that I stood up to this guy and didn't die. We switched seats and I safely pulled out of the alley and soon Hydra base underneath the abandoned bank on the corner disappeared behind us. It would be the last time we would see that building. In fact, it would be the last time we would be in that part of Washington D.C.

The car ride was silent. I would glance over at the man once in a while, and he would be staring straight ahead. There were even a few times where I was going to ask a question, but stopped myself because I knew that conversation would go nowhere. It was a long, silent, fifteen minute drive until finally I pulled into my neighborhood, and eventually into my driveway.

"This is your house?" The Winter Soldier said oddly. I looked at him and he was staring at my house, or the roof of my house. I raised and eyebrow and nodded.

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